
I think they often go hand-in-hand. In my mind, part of self-destruction is becoming selfish enough to not care the effects of your actions on those around you, hence the destruction.

This, exactly. Setting, weaponry, character design, etc. are all just window dressing - and meaningless - if all they are is another way of dressing up (yet another) relatively shallow emphasis-on-multiplayer experience.

This is a great idea.  Now I’m going to take it one step further and set up a decoy dining room table set for dinner.

That’s exactly right. The idea of finding someone whose tastes overlap entirely with your own is a fantasy, and finding a connection and love with another person is about so much more than entertainment choices. The “demean someone else for what they like” instinct is just mean-spirited and is revealing about that

“You live/You learn/You love/You learn/You cry/You learn/You lose/You learn/You bleed/You learn/You scream/You learn.”

I guess I’ve never assumed that the term “guilty pleasure” was gender specific.  I usually associate the term with anything that’s considered low brainpower or “so bad it’s good” but I’ve heard plenty of men talk about their own guilty pleasures.

I get your point, but the women I’ve known who’ve been in abusive situations are essentially terrified to speak up or leave.  They’re afraid their guy is going to kill them.

This, exactly. I’ve said basically the same thing for years. Star athletes are given special treatment from a young age, teams or programs are sanctified by their communities, etc. It sets up all kinds of bad situations.

I’m with you on 3 out of 4, but the Super Bowl?  You’re gonna make baby Jesus cry.

Perhaps, but Kuchar, being super-wealthy, could’ve seen this as an opportunity to NOT be a penurious asshole, to recognize that paying this guy $130k was indeed life-changing. Pay the dude the normal 10% and you have a nice PR story. I’m sure his accountant can turn that money into plenty of write-offs, anyway.

Hey, that’s good money for someone used to making a dollar a day!

Well, Jimmy Haslam is an idiot. Just like the comically inept Lerner family before him, the Browns are just a chance for him to play real-life Madden Dynasty Mode. And - dern it! - he ain’t very good at it.

I fully believe that pro athletes and celebrities routinely get away with stuff that would land the average person in jail, or legal trouble.

I hate the message “why even bother to aspire to something better than mass-produced swill?” Of course “better” is entirely subjective. But it’s like when someone tells me they’re a coffee fanatic and then says how much they love their Keurig. I just want to say “you don’t actually know what good coffee is, do you?”

Ugh! Then you’ve got Big Dates coming after you.  No thanks!

I can’t tell. I’m not used to using pelvic bones as a point of reference. Maybe his hip sockets are small?

I don’t watch much hockey - that’s not what they normally do?

Right - a detail that most people don’t consider is that a good OC or HC will do whatever they can to exploit weaknesses in defensive personnel.  Belichick is gonna go after rookie DBs, or second-stringers who are playing for the hurt starter.  That kind of thing.

Holy shit - A-fucking-men to that! Here’s a very generalized example: how many young QBs are thrown to the wolves before they’re ready? They either get injured or their confidence/reputation is destroyed and then they’re tossed away.

Your ma was a beautiful woman.