“... it’s such a fumbling, spark-less mess.”
“... it’s such a fumbling, spark-less mess.”
WB doesn’t seem to know what to do with their super heroes. They can’t even make a decent Batman movie, post-Nolan. My take is that they are always primarily focused on money and if a crappy movie makes money they’re happy. They have no sense of craft. They should hire some creative types who really get comics and…
Grrr...that still makes me mad! Plus, what if he knelt while wearing a flag lapel pin!?!? So many flaggy things to get mad about!!!
I like Mayfield. I’m not big on guys who talk too much, but hey, he’s young and he’s not afraid to share his opinion and...so what? I don’t hold any grudges against Hugh, though, because Jimmy Haslam is a disaster as an owner. All idiocy, moronity and fuckery starts with Jimmy.
I generally don’t root against people, but I make an exception for Winston.
Right - I don’t think straight guy, meathead, douchebag homophobia has any kind of race specificity. Those dudes are what they are.
I think at this particular course the name of the clubhouse bar, rather than the common “19th Hole” is “The Blown Holes”.
Though I haven’t golfed in about 10 years because of back problems, I love golf. It’s a fun, challenging, frustrating, possibly rewarding sport. I started to actually enjoy it once I stopped keeping score, Chevy Chase-style.
Nah, this isn’t a generation-specific thing. This kind of prickery is passed down, proudly, from generation to generation. I’ll bet Golden’s great-great-great grandpappy nitpicked rules to gain an advantage in duels.
And how is Smirnoff Ice something people choose to drink?
I’m sure the unpaid interns will be happy to shill for Starbucks as much as King does.
Also the name of the MMQB porn parody.
Right - I think this is a pretty reasonable approximation. There are only so many big money deals that teams can sign, and every year there are somewhere around - 300? 400? I don’t know - college free agents coming into the league either through the draft or undrafted and signed after.
Well, c’mon - are all the twats supposed to be happy about being twats?
I love John Mulaney. I’ve watched all of his specials multiple times. He’s hilarious. I just wanted to say this because I think he’s that good.
This is really good. Now, I’m just spitballing here: can we require the fat guy to be wearing a diaper?
I’m assuming the cool players will wear sunglasses while playing.
More likely: some kind of minor league partnership with the NFL, which it really needs. The NFL can afford it. Tag it with some kind of NFL association and it boosts cache, etc.
Right! Well, I guess in my cynicism I was assuming that they were making that connection, or implying it. It’s right under the picture, so I read it as a sort of wishful-thinking, winking “Oh, if only we COULD whiten everyone the world would be a better place, no?” kind of thing.