
I can’t fathom anyone not having at least a basic understanding of cultural awareness & sensitivity in this day and age. I know I’m projecting here, but I picture them living in a bubble where lots of people complain about how “they can’t say anything anymore because of political correctness”.

I have to believe any woman who supports Trump and the crazier elements of the Right must firmly believe that women are meant to be subordinate to men. Cuz, you know, the bible or something.

Well, you know, when she’s not MMA fighting and training to be an astronaut.

I have a friend from high school who’s openly gay and is a mid-level GOP operative and hardcore Right Winger. I don’t get it at all.

Wait...from Canada, or did he totally meet her at summer camp?

Maureen always makes that killer mac & cheese for the Holiday party potluck.

I don’t agree that “consumer-facing national business[es] in America” lean slightly left. American corporations lean heavily toward every ha’penny of profit they can squeeze from the economy.

This is such a common thing. I usually at the very least like to wash my hands before eating - crazy, I know. It seems to me that Starbucks in general could solve a lot of this utter bullshit if they’d just stop obsessing over people using the restroom who may or may not buy something.

There was an incident a few years ago where a black family was having a child’s birthday party at a park in...Georgia, I think. During the party a group of white men showed up in pickup trucks with guns and threatened the family. The police came and the white men were sent on their way.


Yeah, he wasn’t “offended” he was making a joke that it’s a shit award. If one don’t think it looks like a vagina, then fine, but, like, that’s just your opinion, man.

Yeah, if that’s the story, that’s pretty dire. I would also say that the people attending these awards should have a healthy sense of humor about themselves and be able to laugh at his shtick. Otherwise - yikes.

OK...what if I know who they are but still don’t know what he’s referring to?

Live Journal merged so gradually into Live Journal Secret Russian Work Camp that I didn’t even notice!

But is Owen Wilson cool enough to drive an El Dorado?

This is perfect. It makes me want to set up a tattoo tent at Coachella that only offers the kanji symbol for “Coachella” - but in reality it says “valley full of assholes”.

You know, Bieber is absolutely an insufferable douchebag in so many ways (SO many). He’s like a worse version of Poochie come to life.

I guess the most surprising thing to me about this is that he isn’t with an entourage, including some black guys paid to dance terribly to make him look better, like in his awesome basketball videos.

What kills me about this is all the halfwit commenters on sports sites saying things like “Martin was a pussy and deserved it! Incognito didn’t do anything wrong!”

Where’s Incongnito’s heartwarming “The Blind Side” style movie?