
To me this project only works if the serial killer ends up being Mr. Right.

I’ve seen low budget movies like that. As in - static shot of car pulling into driveway, person shuts off car, gets out, walks into house...

I will also add that the characters who are supposed to be the “likable” ones often engage in reprehensible behavior - like sleeping with a best friend’s fiance (and in this case since the fiance becomes Mr. Right - he’s a cheater, too). The “justification” that the friend was also cheating doesn’t make anything right.

I tried imagining that but my brain got a charlie horse.

It’s for guys who miss convivial, hilarious atmosphere of the middle school locker room.

I grew up near Cleveland and I’m an Indians fan. I’ve agreed with getting rid of the stupid, insulting logo for a long time. I was hope last summer for a visit and it took me two weeks to find an Indians t-shirt that didn’t have that logo on it.

Have the Gators engraved the words from the post-game interview on a plaque yet?

Obviously, good sir, you know nothing about golf. How is the ball supposed to know what to do if no one yells “get in the hole!”?

Primarily it screwed up Erica knowing when McIlroy was yelling for a sandwich.

Can we add this to the American flag, please?

Yep - that’s exactly it. The punter doesn’t have that kind of slack to spend with the front office. No punter does. Because those kind of silly things can lead to losses and losses lead to coaches getting fired.

That’s the thing some people don’t understand about domestic violence - the woman is terrified and usually has no easy way to get herself (and possibly kids) out of the relationship and stay safe.

I believe the best solution is to substitute the word “fella”.

Well, beyond everything else, his assertion that salsa is now “even better” because it’s popular in America is absurd. And how hard is it to be better than ketchup, anyway?

I don’t know the incident you’re talking about specifically, but I gonna go out on a limb and say “probably, somewhere”.

This is entirely reasonable and understandable. My friends and I were into hip hop back in the day (for example “Straight Outta Compton” was a big album - I’m an old, and white) and I can tell you that my friends and I never repeated the n-word as we were listening to that album or any others.’s almost like a Jennifer Anistom rom-com!

Absolutely, on all accounts. I think people people also tend to look at QB as a plug-and-play position, which is ridiculously far from the truth. Foles and Keenum did well last season precisely because their OCs didn’t run a system that was beyond their abilities.

I know this kind of this is beyond how US broadcasters want to do things, but why not just broadcast the Sky feed and use a frame for commercials? It’s pretty fucking simple.

“...They allow teams to offset construction and financing costs by forcing fans into paying a fee just for the right to purchase their season tickets...”