You know, I’m really sick of the Hollywood trope of “following your heart” or “the heart wants what it wants”. Not the spirit of the idea, but how it’s so often used in movies as an excuse for what would be considered bad behavior in the real world.
You know, I’m really sick of the Hollywood trope of “following your heart” or “the heart wants what it wants”. Not the spirit of the idea, but how it’s so often used in movies as an excuse for what would be considered bad behavior in the real world.
So The Rock has, what, twelve movies coming out this year? They transitioned to him starring in every movie so gradually that no one even noticed.
Winnie the Pooh holds up very well.
Oddly, Peter’s dad was baked into a Key Lime pie.
Exactly! What, do they get a “participation trophy”, too?!?
It’s worth watching.
Yep, I liked it too. Was it great? No, but I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t just an alien ripoff. Silly in places, but overall I enjoyed it. Plus - yes, that ending scene was great!
Right - OK - *spoiler alert*, I guess - what does the mingling of dimensions have to do with a possessed, killer space station? A couple of the deaths were like ghost murders. Why? Why the magnetic puddy tentacles? Why did the airlock uncontrollably fill with water?
Every scrap of fossil fuel on the planet could mysteriously vanish tommorow, and France would mostly be annoyed at the price spike in bicycles.
Yes, I agree with you...but I’m generally OK with the movie. I enjoyed it. I think I was so ready for one of those mini-monsters from Cloverfield to show up and start killing people - the fact that they didn’t go that route feels like a small victory to me.
Bruce Willis’ mom...?
*Cut to escape pod falling to earth at end of movie*
Yeah...but I still thought it was OK. Frankly, I think I was so surprised that it wasn’t just another “monster on a space station” movie that I cut it a bunch of slack and ignored most of the nonsense.
It’s so hard to decide on which way to be insufferable on any given day.
I think you’ve hit the problem - any time we try to generalize about something we lose some of the truth. And that truth is that “music fans” who spend their lives seeking out new music are very different from, say, people who are happy listening to radio stations. I know a lot of people who “like music”, but who only…
Jake Lloyd says “Are you an angel?”
Hmmm....what time is the erotic journey from Milan to Minsk?
The empty chair now has a shouty show on AM talk radio.
HEY! We tell AMERICAN time around here!
The ultimate in middle-age male wish-fulfillment movies.