
Entering the Front Office Through the Back Door featuring The Ginger Hammer.

+1 face-to-face meeting with Goodell “to show remorse”

Yeah, I was going to ask the same thing. I live in a rural area and I’ve never seen this before.

I guess I don’t get it. People are excited that one of our young players is doing well in Europe. What, are we supposed to ignore him and not care?

Too much detail. We all know how soccer is played!

Ah, if only there were more people in this country like your grandfather.

This all feels very “Shut up and do what you’re told, boy!” to me. Powerful white men being “offended” by black people protesting institutionalized racism is really REALLY making America great...again?

Our crusts are stuffed so that we’ll never forget the sacrifices of those who came before us!

Yeah, but it’s only a nickel.

I turned the game on just as the play was happening and it just didn’t register in real time- it was so confusing as to why in the hell it happened. There was no logical sense to it.

Norwegian Wood (This Byrd Has Flown)!

Wow - so remember just a few years ago when Byrd left Buffalo and was the hot safety free agent? What happened to him? Is it just that he prefers flag football now?

+1 “differently abled”

I don’t play fantasy football anymore (it’s been a good number of years) but it’s no big deal - I get the appeal and I get why people are into it.

I’ve got such a strong urge for ear muffs right know, a muff at each ear...

As others have already said, this story is a great encapsulation of the entire protest/anti-protest situation.

Well, as an elected official it would be comforting if his opinion wasn’t so glaringly stupid:

Cue sad Charlie Brown music.

Do people think that? Football and soccer are my main sports of interest, and I don’t really find either one ethically or morally superior to the other. I’ve never heard anyone make that argument before.

Now, if FIFA could next work on world hunger and global warming - about three years each should be more than enough - we’ll be in decent shape.