
Food isn't about fads and whats "in" and "out."

So what you are saying is that to be an effective teacher, one must master the material being taught? I mean you know, after subtracting the hero worship, this seems to be the only point that is made. Its sorta like a basic observation, isn't it?

So, people get emotional and angry, and say bad words. Wow. Overly enthusiastic, for sure. Noone will have to worry about an excess of enthusiasm on November 8 when its time to choke down the vomit and pull the lever for Hillary.

Oh a promnight dumpster baby, for sure. A catholic school promnight dumpster baby, as is traditional at catholic high schools.

Did Hillary say "forgive me, if my eyes feast, on the sumptuous banquet of your décolletage?"

Strip clubs have traditionally been run by the mob, and have been associated with prostitution and drugs, as well as tax evasion and other crimes. So actually, yes, it makes sense to regulate the strip club business.

You want to hear something funny? Here is a funny story. These days, legislatures are going crazy with imposing fingerprinting and background check requirements on ALL kinds of crap, sure, strippers, but also, for example, little league coaches. I work in government affairs, so I have seen who lobbies for this

If you look at the guy's art, you will see that the human body is his medium, and its almost always both genders and its simply beautiful, with no sexist assumptions or biases or gender role bullshit in it. It just is, naked people, tall and short, male and female, fat and skinny, hairy and bald, all beautiful.

I think its totally retarded that we cannot say “that’s gay."

It should be 100 trans women.

I have had a 90 minute each way commute for the last 14 years. I cannot begin to count the number of times I have suddenly noticed while looking out the windshield that I had no memory whatever of how I had gotten to where I was, no memory at all of driving the last few miles.

This is goose sauce. This sauce doesn't go with gander, only goose.

Well obviously they are obligated to investigate such a blatant violation of the Fairness Doctrine that the GOP has always supported so vocally.

I assume they want to bring back the Fairness Doctrine, then?

Wait, this is sarcasm, right? Hillary did Occupy? God, that’s rich!

The Arab Spring was a good thing? I thought it has become obvious that 1. secular democracy is a cultural thing you can’t just impose on a culture that never had it before, and neither should you expect it to just spontaneously erupt, and 2. sometimes, a stable dictatorship is preferable to anarchy, civil war, and

And having an Asian girlfriend is really in right now, its the only way to be hip. She should be worried, she could be underbid by cheap Chinese labor.

Maybe in some way its lucky for her? I suppose all of it, is all of it, ya know? I may not do a very long long jump, but its still a long jump.

Her cause could be "Make Marriage Great Again," essentially, "how to deep-throat your rich husband to keep him away from the other bimbos" is something she would probably be qualified to champion. It would be like returning to the Mad Men era, as far as male-female relationships, "Meet your man at the door dressed in

Edit "insanely unqualified" to "Unqualified and insane" and it would be more accurate.