The government is run by anti-government types that constantly claim that the government is broken. Why else are the ATF, TSA, VA failures?
The government is run by anti-government types that constantly claim that the government is broken. Why else are the ATF, TSA, VA failures?
This is exactly what I think every time I hear someone my age (30s) cynically say that they don’t expect SS to be there for us in 30 or 40 years.
John Stossel? You don’t have to tell me if i’m right, but if I am, please enjoy this video of said libertarian-type asshole being slapped senseless by a professional wrestler.
The best part is when they don’t even bother giving away the books. Some Fox News twit (Ann Coulter, I think) spoke on my campus and I saw them lift the pallets of books off the truck and put them right into the dumpster.
The thought of a Limbaughger using the word “termagant” made me laugh.
To argue that sexism is the main reason you have to argue that being from the sex that makes up the majority of the electorate by a large margin, is a bad thing.
Well, David Brooks is a moron, to be fair.
It’s very hard to both acknowledge that Clinton’s popularity is mired by sexist attitudes about women in public life, and that there are also other reasons why folks distrust her or dislike her. If you bring up one of these points, people tend to hit you over the head with the other fact, as if they can’t both be…
Just wonderin’, are you a prom night dumpster baby, or just a regular dumpster baby?
How do the Clintons believe in real people? What the hell did they do in the 90s besides not be Ronald Reagan? He killed welfare. He passed insane crime bills. He sent gays into the closet for 20 more years. He capitulated again and again. He bombed the shit out of half the planet. He sexually harassed woman after…
Spencer Tunick has been doing work like this for years. He’s not just some dude asking women to get naked.
I think they blew each other to death.
Good ridance, you terrible person. You were absolutely shit as the head of HP. You forced children to take part in your anti-choice propoganda, kids who just happened to be at the same museum you were but there for a field trip that had nothing to do with your farce of a presidential campaign.
Melania doesn’t know yet that she can be replaced by cheaper foreign labor
“how to deep-throat your rich husband to keep him away from the other bimbos”
I have the feeling, despite Mr. Trump’s claims to the contrary, that there’s no need for deep-throating skills in the Trump bedroom.
Her first initiative should be to make sure all needy Eastern European “models” that come to the U.S. can find a wealthy husband and to help Donald set up a government agency to facilitate their resettlement to America. Cleary is not doing the job.
I thought he was fucking hilarious too. That crowd needs to pull the sticks out of their asses.
I also loved how Larry Wilmore did not give a single fuck about the audience. He straight up did not care about their opinion or their reactions except to laugh at them for being a tough (white) crowd.