Our society loves stupid, and futile gestures, doesn't it? I blame Animal House.
Our society loves stupid, and futile gestures, doesn't it? I blame Animal House.
Just like Cheech and Chong's van!
So whats new? The GOP leader in the House wants to do away with Social Security and Medicare because Congress stole all the payroll deductions that were supposed to pay for these programs from the working people in order to pay for trillions of dollars in income tax cuts on the taxes paid by millionaires. Same thing.
They have been stealing from SS for so long now, in order to fund 40 years of tax cuts for the rich, that they have made the initially fake crisis real, unfortunately. Its exactly like a company taking from the employee pension fund to give management huge bonuses for decades, and then filing for bankruptcy. Fuck you,…
Here is how you take something away from someone without them complaining or trying to keep it. You constantly denigrate and criticize that thing, tell them its worthless anyway, until they don't care about it and don't think they are giving anything up anyway. Social Security will only fail if people give up on it,…
We pretty much threw them away.
Here is a hint: Yes.
Feminine, yes, but I like it too!
Its probably the only way his cognac has any sales. Here is a true story, which alerted me to the absolute farce that is journalism and journalistic ethics in the US of A. My trade association hired a prominent asshole journalist to speak at an event (he is a libertarian-type asshole). It would have been improper for…
I see he prefers jelly over salad dressing.
There has only been Clinton and Obama since Carter. And yes, both have proven to be moderate republicans rather than democrats.
I was heartbroken when Al Gore and John Kerry were nominated precisely because they were such duds. And the same goes for Mondale, and Dukakis. I liked their politics, all of them, more than Clinton, she is the most bellicose and conservative of them all, but I despaired because they were so, just unappealing, and I…
She claps like a retard who just won the special Olympics competition for the 10-yard stumble. Someone give her a juicebox, that's what she deserves, not the presidency. Its my turn, I punched all the requirements on my ticket, is not enough. She is wretched.
Oh there is no doubt that among sexist people, sexism is their reason for hating her. They throw her into whatever stereotype of unpleasant bitch woman they have in their head and that’s their problem with her. But for non-sexist people, there are plenty of non-sexist reasons to dislike her as well. Now, the fact that…
I think in most cases, people dislike her for one set of reasons or another. Assholes, also known as "Limbaugh listeners" and "conservatives," are I think more likely to dislike her for purely sexist reasons, she is a "ball-busting bitch," she is frumpy, she is pushy, shrill, a termagant. But nice and good people also…
Bill's hobby, strange pussy, didn't earn him any points.
Which sexist attitude towards women in public life contributes to Clinton's ickiness? I think she is unpopular because she is just boring, insincere, preachy, and condescending (with no good reason to be because she is at best dull grind). In other words, to the extent she has a personality it is unpleasant and fake,…
Food isn't about fads and whats "in" and "out."
So what you are saying is that to be an effective teacher, one must master the material being taught? I mean you know, after subtracting the hero worship, this seems to be the only point that is made. Its sorta like a basic observation, isn't it?