President Evil

Hiddles is the definition of insufferable. So many Gifs to choose from.

I generally go by the assumption that talking to any woman in any situation without being addressed first or having a specific reason to do so (Excuse me, can I get a refill?) would be taken as creepy. It has served me well.

“Hi! My name is Jack, I see you also like to pee at Starbucks.”

I’m blaming the fuck out of her family. What kind of morons let an 8 year old drive an ATV? Unless it’s a child’s “My first ATV” type of thing

Now playing

So no “Office”, “Parks & Rec” and “The IT Crowd”? Three of the very best comedies of the last decade, all on Netflix, go go go go go go go

To be clear, I’m not blaming her family. I can’t imagine how upset they must be, but I’ve known too many people who’ve been seriously injured on those things. They’re just not worth whatever fun you might have on them.

This is deceitful.

Plus; I don’t think you can buy bacon potpourri, so yeah..

For Immediate Release:

Is one of them like two feet tall or is that some kind of perspective trick?

But it sounds better if you pretend like girls that age can’t be attractive. 

you can make a full english in the time it takes doom to reload after every death

I love the sole option “Okay”. hahahah.

Odds are good that the parents won’t notice it, but let us just pretend they do for this question. How many would comply vs those who would get indignant and have possible outbursts like “I pay your fucking salary! I’ma do what I want!” or rage quit the daycare and go to a place that doesn’t make them pay attention to

I just read the transcript, and even by Trumpian standards, that was.....pretty goddamn terrible. I can only imagine how much worse it was live. Seriously, can someone, anyone, not get this man a fucking speechwriter?

Serious question. How many times do you think Gronk says “that’s what she said” per day? I’m guessing at least 6.

Some SNL writer got shit for suggesting he might become the first homeschooled mass shooter. But the more I think about it, that’s more a reflection on how his parents are raising him than about him.

What is the foot pedal for??