President Evil

That’s a bit of a stretch. It’s alright. Doesn’t really prevent people from leaving their kids in the car...

Why does it have to be pings? Why not a voice that says, “Hey! Moron! Yes, you! Don’t forget your fucking kid is in here with you! Also, that shirt looks bad and you should feel bad about wearing it.”

Heck, our dollar stores sell crafty little balsa kind of wood boxes and chests, ready for painting. Add to that the hot glue and gun, utility knife and all kinds of other stuff you can buy cheap and break apart for parts and you got yourself one of these. It just takes creativity and resourcefulness and a lack of

M’aiq gets zis one on ze Khajiit nose...

I wanna star you, but I got Gronkowski here and he’s shaking his head while laughing so hard I think he might shit his pants. :/

“man where the fine a s s penguin b i t c h e s at” is how you can always circumvent these rules.

QUESTION: Would Fallout: New Vegas be to Fallout 3 what Skyrim is to Oblivion, in terms of graphics? I’ve only played Fallout 3 and, while I get that this is the point of a post-nuclear apocalypse, I found the world incredibly drab and boring. Not that I think Cyrodiil is boring or drab, in fact the opposite. It’s

I don’t bring my laptop anywhere, so I just keep it plugged in since I started using it like a tower in conjunction with a TV and wireless keyboard. It’s a low-end Asus, so it’s a beater until I get something better. AAMOF, when my battery gets below a certain point, the screen flickers like cray. I noticed this the

Tell me more about this transcription job. I assume it’s not posting scripts of The Big Bang Theory on a fansite or anything like that.

I fucking love this picture. “Keanu: vestigial head in B&W”.

Look at that shit eating grin.

Me and my penis were gonna help, but if y’all are good here, I think we’ll just go nuke us up some Pizza Bagels and play some Overwatch. Holler if you need anything.


Rome: Total War is a PC strategy game developed by The Creative Assembly and released in 2004 by Activision.

“If he (Baron) isn’t an asshole already, he will be one day. So what’s wrong with preemptively hating a Trump before they become what we know they will become?”

One would think that Trump would at least mention the two groups persecuted with which he has something in common, the mentally disabled and the tiny-handed.

Now, is that a direct flight from Virginia to Somalia, or do you still have to transfer in Atlanta?

And, AND, if you flip the “d” in Ridley, you get Ripley. “D” as in Dick, or the “D”, as in “Give ‘er the ol’ ‘D’”, “P” as in...