
Cant ride a motorcycle without a helmet in nj and ny

So a low income family has more time than a higher income family?

Still need to maintain and replace battery cells unless you are dragging an extension cord behind you with your electric Armageddon car.

I had a buddy with maybe this exact car.

It checks a ton of boxes.

Not that I think that you are going to find anything but your next gold digger by using an expensive car as bait but I also feel that if you roll up in an Omni it is just over before it even has a chance to begin, doesnt really matter the motives of the other party.

I mean he has a point 32k for a car is literally just stupid. People buy new cars all the time and it is the dumbest waste of a bunch of good money that anyone could do

32k houses now available at the trailer park nearest you.

32k on a hooker?

I have admired that truck a few times driving from a jobsite back to jersey.

I know solid welders myself, my last company had a certified ny union welding shop as part of the construction company, and a few of those guys were very talented.

Just looked a little harder and of the 12 that are advertised in the ny/NJ/Philly region currently the top of the heap is $9,700 and that one isn’t the nicest one that is $7,500.

Idk 15k for a fox body? Where are these buyers I certainly don't know any. 1.5k yea 15k different breed right there

5k for an uglier Thunderbird without a supercharger?

Aluminum suffers from fatigue it will always fail eventually, a byproduct of it's brittleness.

We already suck at welding

Learn Portuguese, move to jersey (somewhere around newark?)

Just you wait.

That is probably the ugliest SUV produced yet.