My hometown mall, in all of its Jersey glory.
These assholes can pack up and go - but I'm sorry, for all of the crazy that exists elsewhere in Florida, they just can't have that state. I'll trade them for North Carolina or something. They just can't have Disney World! NO DISNEY FOR YOU.
We might just be twinsies. I feel like I'm alone with my Princess and the Frog favoritism. I full-out sobbed when I met Tiana for the first time in Disney World - my wee ones were actually counted down to when it would happen.
Walt himself had made many attempts at this himself. Some background reading from the amazing Jim Hill:…
I will vouch for their curvy skinnies!
I must disagree; I love my Gap skinnies. I'm pear-shaped, and DAAAAMN does my ass look good in their jeans, as well as Lucky Brand's.
Or has an irrational fear of vomit, in the way that others do of clowns, heights, or blood. *raises hand*
Ah, the illusion that bodily functions don't exist... fuck that shit. My sister-in-law will not poo in the same house as the men she is dating, even if they've been living together for years. Hell, even when they LIVE. She keeps "Poo-pourie" in her purse. I personally don't have time for that nonsense. In my mind, if…
.gifs are the only appropriate response to news this horrific.
My 5-year-old son is like that - it's bizarre. He was eating curry sauce on rice at 7 months, has eaten all sorts of meat (elk, llama, alligator) with joy, and can eat full-spice Thai and Indian cuisine like it's pie. But make him eat some mashed potatoes? Shit, that is bound to induce a temper tantrum. I just don't…
My daughter, almost 8, HATES to brush her hair. The few times I've let it grow to or past her shoulders, it's become a knotted mess. Solution? Cute, trendy angled bob. She looks adorable and unique, and it's really easy to maintain. The front is still long enough to French braid or otherwise pull out of her face, too.
But Lawrenceville itself is a boarding school - a large percentage of its students board on property, while others are "day students" who commute from local townships (Princeton, Montgomery, Yardley PA, etc). While the town itself is staunchly liberal, the population of the school is a self-supporting 1% haven. (I…
This sort of behavior in administration is more common than you'd think. For example, my husband is a middle school teacher in Camden, NJ. Kids sent to the office for brawling in the classroom? Sent right back to class with a warning, even if they're repeat offenders. But kids not in proper uniform? Call home for a…
Was the dog's name Shadow? Because my inner child feels it would be appropriate. (sorry, have to go cry now)
Yes! I responded to another poster about Big Brother Big Sister. Little time, little money, big warm-and-fuzzy-feeling payoff. It's also been helpful with my own struggles with depression.
I've been a part of Big Brother Big Sister for the past several months now, and I've had a really wonderful experience. You go through a fairly rigorous interview process, where you are given the ground rules, a background check, and a thorough interview that checks both character/responsibility and personality. They…
If we're talking about awesome old dudes that sell stuff, may I recommend the Cuban gynecologist and auto salesman? I want to give this dude a hug.