Seriously, if I were Domino’s? I would give the staff of that store an award for this. And if one didn’t exist, I’d introduce one.
Seriously, if I were Domino’s? I would give the staff of that store an award for this. And if one didn’t exist, I’d introduce one.
I love this story! I was saved by my consierge checking on me and calling 911 a few years back. I used to walk by her to use the gym every morning at the same time. On the 3rd day that I didn’t show she came looking for me. I had a bad reaction to new medication and was completely out of it. I had a very serious…
Domino’s, just like guns and tobacco, when used as prescribed, will kill you.
Well done, staff of Dominos. Just goes to show ya, there are actually a lot of decent people in the world, even if it might seem otherwise sometimes.
Health problems....caused by constantly eating at Domino's?
Babies come in four models:
I can’t believe “birth” is on the list. I mean, the whole list is ridiculous but birth?! Kids have birthdays. I think they’re comfortable with the concept that they were born.
We live in a society where someone can lose their job for saying the proper name of a body part that at least half the population has.
Ever since Christie claimed that Bon Jovi was better than Springsteen, New Jerseyans knew he was a soul in torment.
Here - let data tell the story. It isn’t guns/knives/poison/cars - it is the willingness to take another human life.
The porn site boycott is a particularly sweet response. “Oh, you decided that you want to regulate other people’s lives? Ok, then we’ve decided you don’t need this porn.”
That’s really great to hear. I was always curious about how his involvement in writing “Streets of Philadelphia” came about, so I googled it — turns out he was just as thoughtful and low-key awesome about gay rights:
Back in the Dark Ages (the late 1970s/early 1980s) there were a few gay kids in my high school and we were all rabid Bruce Springsteen fans, more devoted than our straight classmates. We listened to a steady diet of New Wave but there was always room for Bruce Springsteen on the mix tape. College, adult life, more of…
Also, Base Realignment and Closure is happening NOW. Urge Ash Carter (SEC DEF) to put these states that practice bigotry against other U.S. citizens at top of list. Every bullshit congressperson from both sides goes batshit when BRAC effects their fiefdom. Call and email the House Armed Forces Committee/BRAC. Take NC…
Ugh, I know. Don’t forget: “authentic”
Except when they can tell their white friends what a “diverse neighborhood” they live in.
They want the local colour, not the locals of colour.
As a historian and an Irishman, I thoroughly approve of this. I mean, yes, there are some famously awful things that the Irish people have gone through over the years (the aforementioned research from the article, Oliver Cromwell, the Irish Famine, etc.), but the important thing to remember is that the Irish were…