
I’m sure Warren will come out with a “framework” of a plan that does 40-50% of what Bernie’s does, while not upsetting any fiefdoms of donors who might write big checks once her delegate count surpasses her need to virtue signal to the left any more and we can all be safely put in the freezer for another 3 1/2 years.

Public financing is also included in Bernie’s plan.

In what world do you imagine protecting people from the consequences of their bad choices is a GOOD idea??

the comments mad that he’s still not quitting his campaign are real good, loving it. it’s worth it just to see ya’ll pissed off.

you’re definitely wrong about the DNA test, which was hardly her first offense regarding her so called native american heritage. she’s been lying for years using that to get clout in all sorts of places, but especially her time as a professor at harvard (see pic). but don’t take my word for it:

I love the comments. Reminds me of when Clinton collapsed on the campaign trail and all these same dem voters begged to her to just drop out already and endorse Bernie.

what can I say? some of us Obama Boys remember the PUMAs.

25% of Hillary dead-enders jumped ship to the Republicans the last time you didn’t get your candidate. we have made the strategic decision that your whining about the perfidy you imagine the Bernard Brothers to be capable of is best treated with derision.

Notice the Elizabeth Warren stan has to go straight to homophobia to insult you. What a toxic bigot.  None of the other Elizabeth Warren stans called him out either.   Those Warren bros are so cool with bigotry against Bernie supporters.  

cry more about it

I don’t get it either man. To me it’s Bernie, then a pretty big gap to Warren, then getting hit by a bus. I just think the vast majority of the American people have no coherent political ideology and it’s not worth putting much thought in to it unless you want your head to hurt. 

Cry more dipshit

Sanders is VERY popular with people who tend to get ignored by pollsters. 

I mean, I’ll tell anyone they’re wrong if they’re wrong. Biden is the wrong choice, IMO. Supporting Biden will hurt the party and hurt candidates down ballot. He inspires no passion, carries a ton of baggage from 30+ years in politics and looks like a far lesser version of the Biden we saw just 10 years ago.

The best way to improve our education system is to deal with systemic problem both in and outside of education, as a number of issues in education are byproducts of factors that are outside the realm of education. As a teacher, we see it everyday and have to deal with it first-hand.

Most common occupation of donors: Teachers

Many dismiss Bernie because they refuse to acknowledge that there are systemic inequalities and faults, which must be addressed, that they aren’t really that opposed to because they likely benefit from those systemic problems.

With all the money she raised you think she’d be able to afford a map that has Wisconsin on it.