
His record is a never-ending parade of bad decisions like that. His Iraq war vote, his egregious handling of the Anita Hill case; he literally wrote the 1996 crime bill that everyone admits was a colossal mistake. He’s probably done more at the federal level to promote mass incarceration than perhaps any Democratic

We’d care.

Anita Hill. He’d never make it past the primaries.

Jesus fucking christ.

Koenig’s quote didn’t really imply what the writer of the article extrapolated from it at all. I mean, he basically said that viewers can choose to access it on that level or not, not that it isn’t satirical at all. Having seen half of it, I can’t buy that this is meant to be some earnest paean about the struggles of

The bill wasn’t just GOP-approved; nearly all of the Democrats in the Senate voted for that abomination (which funneled enough money to our endless wars to cover the cost of universal free college several, several times over, which torpedoes the whole “how are you liberals gonna pay for this stuff” refrain).

Nah, we just give a shit about trans folk. That’s it.

She was literally the most unpopular candidate the Democrats had ever put up. She’s currently one of, if not the, most unpopular politicians in the country (significantly more-so than Trump). She’s about as universally reviled as you can get.

You’re defending the man against the criticism that he deported millions of undocumented immigrants. Additionally, the democratic party lost 1000 seats during his tenure as president. We expanded our presence in the Middle East exponentially. Hundreds of thousands of innocent citizens in the region died while he was

If you think denying trans inmates the healthcare they need is insignificant, let alone a “minor blemish” that we should just ignore, you’re a genuine piece of shit.

The millions of immigrants kicked out of the country don’t give a shit about your willingness to forgive him for deporting them. Start demanding more from your representatives. They won’t do the right thing unless we force them to.

This case in particular was widely publicized, covered extensively by several different media outlets. The notion that she was completely unaware is ridiculous. Even if she somehow had absolutely no idea that this was happening, the fact that this was standard operating procedure falls on her shoulders. She was the

“Purity tests” didn’t lose Clinton the election. She lost because she was a universally reviled candidate who should never have run for president in the first place and who ran an inept campaign with a cadre of clueless sycophants. I will absolutely not vote for a TERF unless I’m forced to.

Her name is also on that filing, regardless of whether she wrote it (which neither of us know for sure). She did write the notice of appeal: “Norsworthy has been treated for gender dysphoria for over 20 years, and there is no indication that her condition has somehow worsened to the point where she must obtain

Fuck you for suggesting we shouldn’t criticize someone for deporting several million Mexican immigrants because they have a D next to their name. Genuinely: fuck you. You’re complicit in the continuation of white supremacy.

Yeah, I’m not voting for a TERF unless I’m left with no other options.

I get what you’re saying, but if the defense is “attorneys general deny prisoners healthcare because they want them to suffer,” I can’t really get on board with that. Ultimately, I’ll vote for the best possible option we’re given (I held my nose and voted for Clinton in the general), but I’m not really going to back

I was excited about her until I found that out, too. It’s so frustrating how few options we have for even mildly decent candidates.

Look into her history of denying healthcare to transgender inmates. It’s pretty ugly.