
Nah, kick him out too. The guy who deported more undocumented immigrants than any other president in American history shouldn’t be the face of the party (and we just found out he was pulling for May in the UK election and actively reached out to her campaign, which is... repugnant, to say the least).

All the goddamn time, because his supporters are committed to ideology and policy (as opposed to the “#I’mWithHer” nonsense).

And one who’s actually committed to leftist politics, as opposed to cynically adopting whatever political persona/political positions (publicly, at least; we all know about her “public and private positions”) they think will fool people into buying into their bullshit.

Where are you getting this idea that I’m not calm? I just explained why I responded the way I did.

...People on the left refer to the fact that Bernie is the most popular politician in America. You insinuated that referring to that fact and bringing up popularity in relation to a candidate’s electability is inherently wrong and prevents people from critiquing politicians. It’s not that far of a jump to have assumed

...Okay, this is so disingenuous that I’m not even going to waste my time responding to it. See ya.

You’re a lost cause.

He was a virtual unknown in 2016. He’s well known now. There’s your answer. Anything else?

Popularity helps you win elections. That’s why people say it. People who are popular are more relevant to the conversation. I don’t know why that’s something that even needs to be said. Are you seriously claiming that the actual left doesn’t mercilessly critique anyone on their side, including Bernie, who’s seen as an

You’re pulling the same shit that Trump’s remaining die-hards pull every day to convince themselves that their hero is still king. Polls aren’t worthless because you don’t like what they say.

You guys kill me. Polls are entirely meaningless because we don’t like what they say; what other group of small but passionate die-hards does that sound like? Maybe the ones with the proclivity for wearing red hats and slamming DSA members with cars?

The entire argument for Hillary was that she could withstand critique; if she couldn’t handle the mild criticism she got from Bernie’s camp, she shouldn’t have ever run for president in the first place. And, he campaigned for her for months. What the hell did you want him to do? Tattoo #I’mWithHer on his bald head?

I’m assuming this is about Bernie (the most popular politician in America who, you know, currently holds a political office, unlike Clinton), even though I implied nothing about my allegiances in my post.

He’s popular among 73% of African Americans, 68% of Hispanics/Latinos, 62% of Asian Americans, and 80% of Democrats in general. The privileged classes, you know.

I genuinely can’t tell if this is a joke or not.

As insufferable as these excerpts from Clinton’s book are, attempting to blame the person who dared to run against you in a primary that was intended to be a coronation (and who ultimately fought with kids’ gloves, merely insinuating that you were corrupt instead of calling you the war criminal that you are) is an

She’s bi, so she’s in the club. She’s got her membership card and everything. But yeah, she got a lot of flack for “speaking for the community” even though she’s a part of it, so that’s likely why she’s quieted down a little bit.

Take it from a gay: this is a bad take!

How does one know if they are, in fact, “stuck in the grays?” Does this just mean that comments you attempt to post are forced to go through an approval process?

I might genuinely be the last person to comment here, so… thanks for everything, AV Club community.