
I might genuinely be the last person to comment here, so… thanks for everything, AV Club community.

I might genuinely be the last person to comment here, so… thanks for everything, AV Club community.

I didn't know this thread was a thing, so: so long, friends! Be well!

Bye, friends.

Put us out of our misery already.

Final goodbye, I guess. See ya, nerds. Fuck this rotting Nazi moron and his topical children's toy.

I've always appreciated your comments! Enjoy your ethereal plane, friend!

(I already posted this on the page about the trailer for the latest season of American Horror Story, but this seems to be the last article that'll be published before the change, so I'm reposting it here.)

This will likely be my last comment here on The AV Club (I don't plan on sticking around after the Kinja change), and seeing as I've sort of cultivated a very minor reputation (meaning, among a handful of users I've interacted with fairly frequently) as someone who's passionate (irritatingly so, according to a few

How the hell could a song "find itself?"

Jesus christ.

This is a relatively ludicrous claim. I don't buy for a second that you actually believe any of this, and it's especially confounding that you'd attempt to shoehorn feminist rhetoric into your dismissal of the mild criticism Del Rey received here given that she's flat out said she's not a feminist.

I have several hardcore fans of hers for friends and they all flat-out admit that she was terrible live when they saw her. Maybe she's improved.

I get that you're a fan, but I personally felt that the reviews of her first two albums were spot-on, and demanding that a publication actively seek out reviewers who are wiling to buy into an artist's shtick because you want a positive review is pretty bizarre.

I've tried to give all of her albums, including Ultraviolence, a chance because so many of my friends are fans, but… I don't know. I can't get into it.

I still have the same problems I've always had with her, meaning A) her complete and total inability to perform live, which eats at my "celebrities make a lot of money and should be capable of doing what they're paid to do because everyone else is struggling" hangup, B) the monotony, which is only slightly alleviated

I agree with this in general, meaning that I believe that condescension and lecturing won't get conservatives to wake up, nor will it get those who don't vote to come out and cast a ballot for democrats. I don't think we need to compromise on pointing out the racism in the minutia of every day life because that white

This last paragraph is flat-out wrong (the left is very much in favor of elevating people of color to positions of power in addition to actually addressing their social and economic problems in a substantive way as opposed to just paying lip-service to their oppression in the abstract, and we don't care who that

This sentence doesn't make any sense.