
Yet again… I've been owned.

I reported to Putin directly.

I've been owned.

"It's the children who are wrong."

I volunteered for her campaign.

"and the 08 crash was going to happen regardless."

God, you people are predictable.

My guy, he signed and advocated for numerous bills that deregulated industry and hurt working people, including the infamous Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act. Absolving bad people of their sins because they belong to our team is not good, actually.

Yeah, it's actually wrong to point out that this guy decimated black and brown communities, supported numerous homophobic bills, helped deregulate the financial industry in ways that led to the 2008 collapse and is playfully sandwiched between a war criminal and his bigot father. It's actually morally correct to

I have absolutely no idea what the hell any of this means/what it could possibly look like, so… Cool? I guess?

I'm an active member. I'm going to a sit-in this week.

The fact that you would say that after what just happened in the UK, after Labour embraced a socialist platform and rebuked every expectation, winning victories in areas that have been conservative for a century, embarrassing the Tories, well on their way to a Corbyn PM, rising in the polls every day (now ten points

After talking with these people at length, they genuinely don't seem to care about any of this. They've rewritten history and theirs is the version they're going to stick with, regardless of what they've argued in the past or what new information comes to light.

If you can't understand the absolute, total failure of centrist politics, then you're a lost cause.

He received a smaller percentage of the vote. He underperformed. The extent to which you guys will bend over backwards to justify continued failure is mind-blowing.

He ran his campaigns on 1) getting lobbyists out of Washington, 2) going after the big banks, 3) and changing the status quo, 4) government-run healthcare. He ran as a leftist, a progressive, and then governed as a centrist Republican. You're intentionally drawing all the wrong conclusions in order to give the

You're right; you people are a tiny minority in the Democratic Party. Only 8% of Democrats actually dislike Sanders.

You're an oasis in a desert, my friend.

It didn't! It didn't point to a win for the Democrats! Hillary polled -10 below Bernie against Trump in every single poll, and was within one or two points of losing (or outright losing) in the swing-states she needed to win! The outcome wasn't shocking to anyone who actually read the polling and ignored the consensus

The Democratic Party is unbelievably incompetent, but Clinton absolutely lost the 2016 election.