
This is horseshit and you know it. Put any thought into that ridiculous excuse and it falls apart immediately. Bernie was an unknown with no name-recognition and no power and closed a 60 point gap in the national polling, even with the press and you people ignoring/laughing at him. Hillary had the entire establishment

Are you a fucking 4th grader?

Ossoff underperformed Clinton. Enough said.

They don't know! They don't pay attention! They just know their lives are awful and they want a change, and your answer is to lecture them in the least productive way possible instead of giving them something to vote for.

Oh, so it's young people's fault, even after they overwhelmingly voted for Clinton after she spit on their face and mocked them repeatedly during the primary, and not the boomers or genXers who went Republican. What the fuck ever, guy. This is unbelievable. It's not on my generation to save your ass, but we try

Literally all of this is absolute nonsense. These people are out of their minds.

I voted for Hillary, you condescending ass. I got everyone I knew to vote for her. I held my nose and called voters for her fucking campaign. This is the only bullshit you have to fall back on; you ignore your own party's failings, construct strawmen, and scream about how the voters are petulant for wanting a

Blame your fucking party that lost an election to a colossally unpopular fucking reality game show host instead of spitting on those who checked out of the political world years ago.

It directly contradicts what he just said. And buddy, you've got to let her go. Hillary is one of the most unpopular politicians in the country. She's more unpopular than Trump! She's a two-time failed presidential nominee who has absolutely nothing to offer the party aside from further failure; let her go, for

This is based on absolutely nothing. It's an ennobling, self-serving lie.

I'm paying attention! This centrist brand of bullshit has destroyed the Democratic Party! We have no power! We've lost every branch of government, and you're still trotting out the same brand of "adult, realistic" austerity bullshit as if you've discovered some sort of hidden key to electoral success, as if the party

Most of the population doesn't vote because you insufferable, ignorant snobs keep lecturing them about how they have to keep voting for the status quo lest the other guy win. They're not children throwing a tantrum; these people are drowning in problems the Democrats have made worse over the past several decades and

You've genuinely lost your mind. I can't fathom stomaching any of this absolute, speculative, unfounded nonsense, let alone actually buying it.

I don't even know where to begin with this. A) The "Bernie Bro" myth is just that; a myth, propagated by a Clinton campaign that had employed the same smear eight years prior against America's first black president. B) Bernie supporters literally chanted "grassroots" and "from the bottom up" at his rallies, and have

Of course he would have. Literally all of the data we have points to a Sanders win.

I can't believe you're still pushing this rhetoric, even after all of the information we have now. Bernie is the most popular politician in the country, and he's more popular among POC and women than he is among whites and men.

Happy to see this! Klein is one of the most incisive voices on the left and we need to start paying more attention to them.

This is mildly insufferable.

Yeah, No Shape is easily my favorite album of the year. Seeing him perform it live was incredible.

"Drag Race is fostering a sense of community for people who feel threatened by the current administration’s antiquated views."