
The idea that a late night show host (especially one like Jimmy Fallon, which the show made direct reference to with the "What's In the Bag?" joke) would do anything other than fellate their guest for 20 minutes is so absurd that I couldn't take that final sequence seriously at all.

This article is a little ridiculous. The series is one of the few unadulterated gay spaces on television, but the notion that this reality show (whose fanbase, including this author, just delighted in an abysmal reunion episode where the contestants were intentionally pitted against each other to draw out a series of

I've seen every episode of this show and I hated all of the reunions.

I know I'm in the minority here, but I hated absolutely everything about this petty, vindictive disaster. It was cruel, awkward, and a fair amount was obviously scripted. I watch the show for the drag, and if some sort of drama develops organically, fine, but I have no interest in watching a bunch of adults scream at

For the love of christ, take away Trevorrow's Star Wars gig immediately.

I was going to say that I don't understand how she swung this show given her downplaying the holocaust and then demonizing Palestinians, but I can believe anything in 2017. Bigotry is perfectly fine as long as the bigot is profitable.

Representation is important, but maybe we should spend at least two-thirds of the time we devote to lauding multi-billion-dollar corporations just for making a superhero film starring a white, zionist woman arguing for things like single-payer healthcare and funding for POC and queers who are struggling to survive. As

Did you seriously just accuse me of being a Nazi because I oppose Israel's massacring of Palestinians and the Lebanese, which Godot has publicly supported? Because I oppose the right-wing government of a nation the EU has named the worst in the world when it comes to carrying out human rights violations? Because

Jenkins' initial skepticism was ultimately justified, given Godot's zionism.

The fact that I'm not going to remember any of this is the real reason I'd give it the lowest spot. At least I remember hating Ginger and Kennedy and being appalled that they made it as far as they did; I remember how great Fame looked on the runway, I remember how little of Trixie's personality came through during

The first season of All Stars, season 7, and this season are all duking it out for the last spot in my ranking. If I had to choose, I'd honestly choose this one, if only because I never cared about any of these queens and the constant lecturing about basic gay history was just miserable to sit through. I don't find

Regardless of who ends up winning, this was one of (if not the) worst season of the show ever. Everything feels sanitized and dull, and none of these final contestants are all that memorable (though I genuinely like them all).

This is bullshit, and yet another reason why CNN is absolute garbage.

Look, I don't turn up my nose at pop the same way most do on this site, but this album is an absolute mess. The political messaging is scant and simplistic, essentially just clichés and fake-woke platitudes, and there aren't any great choruses here, which is supposed to be what people like about her singles. Her

I'd let Chadwick Boseman do a lot more than look, if he wanted.

The Tories have barely held on to power, after an outpouring of positive press in their favor and a decade of smears aimed at both Labour and Corbyn. This was a rebuke to the entire media apparatus and their awful government. The Conservatives had to cobble a tenuous majority together out of scraps. They're on the

It's a theory also supported by literally every poll ever.

Or, instead, we could just back politicians who we align with politically instead of looking to their calculated political images.

It isn't optimism. This is the rational take. Corbyn took a party that everyone had written off and outperformed every conceivable expectation, all on a socialist platform. Voting turnout was up by 20%. The Tories have barely held on to any semblance of power.

Read anything about the UK election and you'll see why this take is… very bad.