
If you don't see this unbelievable turnaround as anything other than a win, you don't understand anything about UK politics. This was an unheard-of success for Labour.


Please stop giving this asshole an outlet.

Well, then I'd tell you to fuck off.

I don't remember remember any wang on The Leftovers, and there were plenty of opportunities to give us a shot of Justin Theroux's business.

Beyond the Black Rainbow was stylish, but not much else, so I'm not as optimistic about this.

If you live in the UK, get out and vote Labour so the party of idiots like this doesn't remain in power.

This finale was likely the best way for the series to end. Nora has always been the most interesting character and her relationship with Kevin and how it relates to the loss of her kids has always been the show's most compelling narrative. I'm not going to pretend that I think this show is some kind of masterpiece

For the umpteenth time, fuck Bill Maher and fuck his apologists here.

I though this was the best episode of the season so far (outside of the Gagafest), entirely because of the challenge. Sewing challenges built this show and I can't stand how few we've gotten these past few seasons. I've never cared about the reality show drama-lite element of Drag Race and mostly cringed through

Who gives a shit. Fuck her.

We had one candidate calling for the end of the US' imperialism in the Middle East and one who not only voted for the war in Iraq, but continues to vocally support interventionism. The idea that they're equally bad is ridiculous, though I'm not saying Sanders isn't fundamentally flawed on foreign policy; he just

I'm further to the left as well, but he's literally the best thing we have in the US. I'd love a full-blown socialist candidate, but we just don't have any here.

I never thought that was the joke.

She would have, as would any centrist Democrat willing to privatize social security (as President Obama attempted to do), deregulate the financial sector in exchange for modest social victories, and continue to criminalize being black and brown through tacit support for private prisons and mandatory minimum sentencing.

I know you hear this kind of rhetoric from a certain vocal 8% of the party on Twitter, but it's really counterintuitive and baseless.

That's not what got Trump elected.

I'm absolutely not going to list out all of his foreign policy goals, especially when Hillary's plan boiled down to "continue to arm the Saudis who will then carry out acts of genocide against the Yemeni people, arm both sides of the Syrian conflict by proxy, and continue the imperialist "war on terror" indefinitely

He absolutely prioritized domestic issues, but the idea that he doesn't know anything about foreign policy is flat-out ridiculous (and I'm not saying that as an entirely positive thing; his pointing out the poverty in the Gaza Strip, his condemnation of both the Iraq war and Assad, and his calls to leave the Middle

Neither of those things are true.