Aeron Michaelangelo

Why did Kanye let her finish?

The second one.

For the end is extremely fucking nigh.


Um. As opposed to?

If you told me this was an intro to Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 5, I would believe you.

75% is 3/4 of total people. Top 10 choices minus Valve is 9, square root of 9 is 3. Half-Life 3 confirmed!

You misunderstand. Modern taxonomists prefer to label a taxon as a subset of an earlier taxon if it can be confirmed that it descended directly from them. It is now known that birds are not merely related to dinosaurs, but are directly descended from a subclass of theropod dinosaurs — and that some species we classify

Yeah cause Ripley couldn't have whooped your ass at the end of alien in her paintes. Women can't be sexy and powerful at the same time to you people. Powerful and strong means dressing modestly. Got it.

And like that, Lady Gaga trolls Japan and Korea and shows how stupid the whole thing is.

I just noticed that it supports up to 4 players locally and 16 online. Sounds like a fun marriage.

Happiest gal in Rapture?

Cops in Japan in trouble for punching an arcade machine, calls it "inexcusable."

It's pretty silly to let stuff like a game's plot get in the way of having fun as a couple.

You see I'm going through the forest on a horse with no name

As Joshua rode his horse to the next checkpoint, he wondered why he didn't bother to read the fine print when he volunteered to try the beta version of the full suit Oculus Rift.

Are you selling two-headed dolphins?