Aeron Michaelangelo

I remember when the analog sticks were breaking in great number on N64 controllers. Not because they were poorly built, but because the controllers were being abused. Some people are getting a little too aggressive while playing.

Needs a 3D-printed 2x scope.

C'mon, the Rebels redesigned the X-wings, and I understand the need to repurpose old Clone War tech, but why wouldn't they give this poor solder some cover? Anybody remember the AT-PTs from Rogue Squadron? The prototypes that that the rebels stole and now know how to build?

That is the only wasp I like.

Reassembly looks very tempting. I also like how the creator does a great imitation of Ray Charles' wiggle-in-your-seat-while-talking thing.

Welp, not hungry anymore.

Here be Mandalorians.

The show's name will eventually change to Maximum Warp? lol

I understand why people think that the two Matrix sequels aren't as good as the first movie, but I never understood the flat out hatred for them. The exoskeleton is one of the coolest things about the Matrix trilogy.

Good, maybe this'll slightly make up for Fox herpdederp-canceling Almost Human.

Once again, I have to say how utterly badass airline pilots are.

The simple joys of having a cat and a Mario living in the same house together.


'Till the end of time.

Today, the photograph is stored behind sealed doors at the National Gallery in London. It is the only known paper photo known to exist that seems to contain a moving image. The negative of this particular image was never recovered. It is presumed to have been destroyed by the photographer; a male in his mid to late

Wait, who died?

I'm going to star you just for that picture.

4:45 - Oh man, my heart is on fire. A beautiful woman in uniform is pure kryptonite for me.