Aeron Michaelangelo

I get the point of the article, but what bothers me the most is how filthy that 3DS is. It almost tells me this person doesn't take good enough care of their electronics.

Now playing

I see someone watched that West Wing clip.

Wasp party!

extreme? Perhaps not.

Didn't you hear? The kid died halfway through the torture session. Turns out he wasn't really an electric type.


That's the last time we pick up skeksis from outside Home Depot to finish a construction job.

Don't use a taser on him!

I would be remiss if I did not point out how amazing this guy is for being such a good wingman for his fish. You don't want to date him? Fine. He's got 23 fish to introduce to you. They are tropical as fuck and ready to mingle. No hard feelings.

Probably the most forced segue into the plot of any game I've played in recent memory.

Tiberius watched from the shadows. The Walkers had left many cat-generations ago, leaving the planet, once again, to the creatures.

I'm gonna say it: we have entered the Age of Biawwnics.

My brain is now playing a Clara/Foxxy musical number from Drawn Together. That is wrong.

.backwards running is machine time My

"Run! Carmen San Diego found US!"

Turns out, rocks are pretty smart.

I actually like Windows 8*...