Aeron Michaelangelo

What you had to do... What you've always done; turn death into a fighting chance to live...

Definitely a bird of prey.

LEGO Super Mario 64 remake on Wii U, anybody?

Second star to the right and straight on till morning.


Plenty of letters left in the alphabet.

Japanese people are pretty chill about being naked. When you got to hot springs or public baths, you bathe with strangers. No biggie.

Stupid shit? In a Metal Gear Solid game? You don't say!

But I don't understand... its says right there... they are not a scam! How can they be a scam?!

So is this going to get rid of the ubiquitous link-spam that you find in the comments over all of the Gawker sites too?

"Hang up" a phone.

... It just isn't the same.

They went from "oh this is just so people can write awful strokable fanfic" to "actually, that's kind of interesting" when I got to the part in I think it was the second game where you overhear two non-human aliens arguing over who the Asari more closely resemble. I was then all like "hmm, if they somehow manipulate

Huh. It's weird how this was posted here and on Jezebel, but the post here is more...objective, for lack of a better word? Please keep approaching topics in this vein on i09. It's much appreciated.

Ah, I see. With the image of Dax at the top I just assumed a TNG/DS9 era story. Also, it was the later era where we saw more adventurous inter-species relationships.

Pretty much verbs vs. cliches

"Weeping, Zhuge Liang kicked Ma Su in the balls."

I don't know but from here it looks like it might have a bad case of Humans.

You mean like balloon animals or water squirting lapel flower?