Aeron Michaelangelo

Make it "Parks & Recreation in space".

Six word science fiction:

Naw, the mothership buried under the rock is designed to withstand all forms of cosmic radio raves and radiation, it's fine.

The Dreamcast was the only console that was able to make GTA2 look as good as the PC release.

Roughly translates into "The Valdez Special".

Going by Apple logic, the bottom bar can't be made any thinner due to the perfectly round, and same size it's always been home button. The top bar is symmetrical to the bottom bar (don't ever expect that to change), and the thin lines on either side are because the glass curves downward at those points and the phone

Ew, imagine the smell.

Livin' Large!

What art are you referring to? All you did was post a photoshop from 9gag. ;)

Please understand.

Guess they'd better NERF those guns next time.

Control: FIVE... FOUR... THREE... THREE... THREE...

I'm deaf, so what's this humming?

I'm sorry Dave... I'm not HAL.

I've enjoyed Arise for what it is (GITS 2nd Gig is still the best iteration of this property to date) and I'm sure I'll enjoy this one too. I don't need every plot thread to be neatly tied into a bow and explained, I don't need ONTHEEDGEOFYOURSEATBAYSPLOSIONS!! to enjoy an action movie. Maybe I'm weird. Maybe I think

Different universe, different look. Also different point in time where she used a younger-looking and lighter android frame.

Like any version of the Major ever listened to anyone's good advice...

On one of the legs of a pair of jeans seen in Shibuya.