Aeron Michaelangelo

Someone needs to write a mod that turns The Sims 4 into Small World.

There are very few individual levels of any game that I consistently dream about playing again and this is one of them.

Pfft, say what? A bottle of maple syrup from Maine is worth more than this douche.


Kerbalcruiser operatio-BOOM!

Now I want to see the new Spider-Woman redrawn exactly like this Spider-Man.

He activated my trap card.


The one episode that was literally nothing but Tachikomas arguing about God was probably the best thing ever. I was so shamelessly happy while watching that episode and my mom simply didn't know how to address it so she left the room and didn't speak to me for the rest of the day.

You buried the lead. In the 1995 movie, she's Chinese. As that movie and the direct sequel are an alternate universe that has the events of the manga take place in Hong Kong, not Japan.

Hmm... If they filmed her doing all the scenes then dubbed ALL of her voice work with Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, that would probably be as close to perfect as you could get.

That doesn't even scratch the surface. Go research the artbooks this guy puts out. (hehe, puts out...) *cough*

Doing whatever a spider-tank can.

Two cyborgs discuss philosophy on a boat for 12 hours before fighting a tank... who also wants to discuss philosophy . The boat then becomes self-aware and begins discussing philosophy.

We were walking by the store and they just gave us one. I'm going to sell mine for some DS games.

There's a kid in my class who's crying looks for all intents and purposes like laughter. He has that face and I just egg him on to make him laugh harder and tears start rolling down his face. Then I go Oh, Shit! Fools me every time.

With all the college film makers running around there is an actual chance that actually happened.

Thankfully our technology is little more advanced.