Aeron Michaelangelo

I'm... just going to save this image to my computer.

Williams will be playing opposite Christopher Walken, who was found practicing flight in a nearby hotel lobby.

The image for Bromance is Sir Patrick Stewart hugging Sir Ian McKellen. Sesame Street is still one of the greatest achievements of mankind.

Make me care, I like bad puns.


Oh tell me why!

Oh damn, I want one!

This is probably the worst thing I've ever seen Lego do. This is only a few steps away from the bitter IP control attempts of Pez or Compuserve going after people for using .gif files.

Well, I have repeated said Xeroxes, Kleenexes, and Frisbees so at least I'm consistent.

Does it come with detachable head action?


"Yes, Lord Helmet!"

I never noticed before how the eyes deliberately bug out just as it disappears. XD

No Exor, am disappoint.

It's always fun when yet another person announces that they've just realized that self-dicipline and awareness increases the quality of life.

It's a wedge that reaches two inches of thickness at the topmost screen.

Can't not hear the announcer's voice.

The show almost exclusively takes place in Missouri and it still managed to destroy New York City (which was still struggling to stand after it was wrecked a few decades before). Poor city just can't catch a break.

Berlin is on permanent Oktoberfest until further notice.

I so wanted that e-rep bigwig to ask Nolan if he got that line from an old Earth movie.