
Or she? sorry

I think he means cause wednesday is known as "Hump Day"

My boyfriend does it to me in his sleep.

How is vomiting going to help me?! My life is so much worse now!

If loving pie is wrong then I don't want to be right. PIE FO LIFE.

I had two gay best friends in high school and would spend the majority of my weekends in one of their basements playing video games and watching the matrix (NERD ALERT.) One time the mom of the kid who's basement we would frequent pulled him aside and said, "I know it may be more fun with 3 people but just be safe."

CAKE IS THE WORST. Frosting it like eating a cup of just sugar and ruins what could possibly be a semi good tasting baked good.

I have those guys that stick with me too. I know they were just jerks and it had nothing to do with me but DAMN did they make me feel like shit.

I've seen so many girlfriends blame themselves for the lack of response from the dudes they're seeing. I've done it myself. But once I look back on it, I realize that a lot of the boys we were seeing were just not ready for a commitment and too immature to explain that. I've had a lot of guys apologize for the way

For the record, you weren't being creepy, he's just a douchbag.


Yeah, I mean part of me feels like maybe it's just hard for us to relate to each other now because our interests have grown so differently? But then again, how am I supposed to create new memories and inside jokes with someone who refuses to give me the time of day? I dunno, I'm in the same boat as you. Like, I'm

Hahaha! Yes!

Have you ever done the whole number delete only to scroll through your call log to find it again using deductive reasoning? Or delete the number but realize it was useless because you had it memorized and was just a bottle of wine away from pathetically texting him again?

I'm going through the exact same thing with a friend of mine. I had considered her one of my best friends since I was 17 and now all of a sudden I barely hear from her. She also moved to another state and recently came to visit. Her visit just happened to fall on a really difficult time in my life, a time when I


I'll admit I once told a guy that I couldn't go to a play with him because I was having dinner with my boyfriend and his parents. I didn't have a boyfriend..... But to my defense, this guy came on VERY strong. He invited me to his sister's HIGH SCHOOL PLAY where his PARENTS would be the day after drunkenly meeting me

Ranch is usually buttermilk, mayo and seasonings.

ME TOO!!! I love telling people we don't have ranch!!! Although we did have a "secret sauce" for the fries that people would buy by the gallon.

Back when I was little and didn't know how to eat food, the only sandwiches I would eat were turkey and ranch. That's it. Just turkey and ranch. So glad I grew out of that phase.