
I had a friend who made plans with a guy and the day of she would text him to confirm and he would just reply with question marks the whole time. INFURIATING.

The first year of my relationship with my current boyfriend was very turbulent so I had a lot of these... But now he's madly in love with me and I have all the power! MUAHAHAHA! (JK, he's the best.)

I'm from Montana and while I myself hate ranch, we, as a state, are apparently renowned for our ranch consumption. In fact, Alaska has a vulgar joke about how to convince a Montana girl into performing fellatio on you...

And I had a tattoo that was less than 6 months old... That could've been more of the deciding factor.

I was rejected for donating plasma because I slept with a boy who had slept with other boys before....

No, it's based on an ingrained sexual attraction. Same as yours or mine. I'm a straight girl but if I had never had sex with a boy, that wouldn't change the fact that i'm a straight girl.

I listened to a podcast where they interviewed "Adam" and he and his mother both said he was not abused as a child.


I serve a family with very strict diets. Well, the two sons have very strict diets. They also have 2 daughters who can eat whatever, along with the mom. The boys are slightly autistic and are prone to stomach problems and seizures if they eat certain foods. So maybe it's just a situational thing.


Man, those were the days....

She was the fucking best! Wait Until Dark, you guys! That movie was AH-MAZING.

She's no Audrey, thats for sure.

Also, winter camping sucks balls if you're underprepared and you get a surprise snowfall near the end of your season. We had 3 people per 2 person tent desperately clutching nalgenes full of hot water towards the end of it. I would love to try it when I can actually predict the temperatures and precipitation.

YES! I did a whole season of trail work last year and now I'm beating myself up for never bringing Spam with me!!! I brought bacon a few times to make my crew B for D (breakfast for dinner) but I would've made them squirm and then eventually give in if I had brought Spam.

You are my hero. For real. Also have you ever watched the Cooking in the Great Depression videos on youtube, starring Clara? Also awesome advice for us poor folk. She has sadly passed away but she was great. In one episode she made a dandelion salad and it blew my mind.

Hahahaha thats so good. The vintage recipe box complete with recipes I bought has a couple of those...and I have a friend's house warming party coming up....

My mouth is watering.

I'm from Montana, but it's definitely a midwestern kind of thing.