
I love the Californians sketches but I can never pinpoint why. I think it's just the ridiculous accents. I like never understand whats happening but end up laughing hysterically anyway.

Oh, I have used that move a couple times now, but only because it was necessary. When I worked the graveyard shift at a Pita Pit, we had a homeless guy named Charlie who would come in and hang out for hours and would NEVER LEAVE ME ALONE. It got to the point that one of my coworkers OFFERED to pose as my boyfriend to

Oh, I have used that move a couple times now, but only because it was necessary. When I worked the graveyard shift at a Pita Pit, we had a homeless guy named Charlie who would come in and hang out for hours and would NEVER LEAVE ME ALONE. It got to the point that one of my coworkers OFFERED to pose as my boyfriend to

You should start a letter writing campaign! BAN EVERYTHING THAT DOESNT SATISFY A FEW SELECT PEOPLE!

Then I guess you probably shouldn't watch it.

Oh and once my dad made me write an essay when I was 13 because he caught me in a lie. And I continue to lie to my parents to this day.

My mom is white and was also horrible at disciplining. I don't know if the two go hand in hand but there were definitely times when she "grounded" me and then as I was walking out the door to go hang out with friends an hour later, she would remind me of my curfew and tell me to have a good time.

Can we just get over the whole stereotypical Mom/Dad characterization because this is a CHILDREN'S film and it looks CUTE, DAMMIT.

I had a friend who would pour the cheese packet all over her popcorn. She was an evil genius.

Last pot roast my best friend made was "southwestern" style. It blew my mind. He had jalapenos in there! And then his roommate made homemade tortillas and rice to go with it.

I feel that exact same way about meatloaf. The first time I tried to make one, I was like, "That was so cheap and easy! Why doesn't everyone do this!?"

Yes! I LOVE Kanye. LOVE HIM. I have all his albums. But I get so upset when he does douchey things in public because it just makes it harder for me to convince people he's awesome.

I HATE CILANTRO. I like when people get creative on Thanksgiving, but that is taking it TOO FAR.

I think the joke is implying that you, the 16 yr old girl, has a penis. As in, if you had pointed to your own lap and yelled this out after you uncle asked you about circumcision.

Well, considering how obsessed my boyfriend is with our dog (and vice versa. Our dog will literally wait outside the bathroom pouting while he's in the shower), he would probably shoot the dog that attacked our dog. I suggest you don't take that route.

I mean, I don't know you or you relationship, but no one deserves to be put down by their spouse. If there is an underlying cause, it could help squeeze it out of him. But mostly I hope you work it out and end up happy in the end with a healthy happy baby.

I agree. It definitely seems like there's something under the surface. But I'm no expert. Have you seen a couples counsellor?

Now playing

Well, at least he didn't completely forget where he came from...

Isn't that the "Tall Poppy Syndrome?" I remember reading an interview about Heath Ledger kind of complaining about that.

I used to visit my dad in Australia every summer and you guys have the best fucking candy ever. There's a store in the states called "World Market" and they carry a lot of ethnic foods from different countries, including Aussie candy. When one opened near me, I had tear of pure joy when I saw the Crunchie bars. I