
I became aware of language issues like this when I was driving a in a strange city with a friend whose range of vision was about the length of a pool table. Without thinking, I said “Help me watch for the exit.” His instant reply was “Sure, but if I can read the sign, we’re both gonna die.” It was the first time I

How about advice for people who are cimpletely illiterate with this game and have never figured out what is going on at a meaningful level? I swear, you’d think 23 years of being friends with people obsessed with this game would give me some kind of insight beyond basically button mashing. At this point it feels like

I’d go to the movies more if I could be reasonably sure there wouldn’t be people around me talking or using their phones. I realize I could ask them to knock it the hell off, but as someone who reallllly dislikes conflict that’s easier said than done (and besides, I kinda feel like if I’m paying you $12+ for a ticket,

Maybe you’re thinking about shame?


Sailor Moon, Robotech, Astro Boy and Dragon Ball didn’t do it? I feel like they came earlier. But maybe the appeal wasn’t as broad? I can’t speak for everyone.

This all sounds good until as a parent you realize that the some places and occasions are essentially anywhere you want/need to go that is not the park or McDonalds. My wife and I would never let our child cry for more than a few minutes without taking it outside, feeding it etc. But honestly, I have gotten the “How

Counterpoint: Hyper-conservative recommendations, like “no drinking” when there really isn’t evidence to support such a recommendation, just breeds distrust in the entire medical field. It’s better to educate people to enable them to make informed decisions than it is to try to make a decision for them on a subject

You can also just be open about the fact that everyone gets kicked out of the family space after X o’clock. “I’m sorry, but your mom/dad and I have to have sloppy make-outs, so y’all have to go.”

Don’t ask Google. Ask your pediatrician.

Nurses in our hospital were incredibly pro-alcohol during breastfeeding, but I think our family takeaway from research there was if you’re in under the effects of alcohol, probably don’t pump then. If you’ve sobered up, you’re probably fine. Pump and dump isn’t a thing, and no medical anything is going to say it’s

What about while breastfeeding? Google is seriously conflicted about that.

It will be tough to say as of now. The first game had great gameplay, but the complete lack of story at launch, no in game lore, and really anything to do but loot grind drove many players away (myself included) pretty quickly. I had no emotional connect to the game, which made it easy to ditch (along with the

When was this written? Most of the north east is unseasonably cold, so “No matter where you are in the United States, this weekend has probably been hot, really hot.” is a bad way to start. If you can’t check the weather, why would we take health advice from you?

The reason parents freak out about bedtimes has more to do with wanting their own downtime than worrying if their kids are getting enough sleep. I love my kids and love spending time with them, but after I’ve already been awake for 13-14 hours, worked a full day, made dinner, gave them baths, etc, I need them to go to

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Kirk, can you please do an arrangement of Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World from Chrono Cross? Pretty please?

From someone who realy just watches the superbowl for the commercials - will streaming it show me those as well or will I just get a cycle of the same two streaming ads like I get for a lot of things I watch?

“Unless I’m making crepes, I want my pancakes to be fluffy stacks of cloud-like wonderment.”