Yes, I still jailbreak for one reason and one reason only: f.lux.
Vote: PiBow case
On the Mac side it's Coda2 for me because of it's simplicity and extra tools that you can reference if you get stuck. I myself can't remember all the CSS selector/properties so the in app reference books help. Also some of the books, if not all, are linked to MDN. The color coding is easy to read and indentation is…
Got it. And now another very specific question... are you uninterested because he's not making an enticing offer, or are you uninterested because your sex drive is on the lower side? I see a TON of women who complain about low sex drives, and we start digging a little deeper and realize that they're having pretty…
I admit, I'm terrible when it comes to cooking. I don't plan ahead much when it comes to food so my fridge is mostly empty, leading me just to get some takeout or whatever most of the time.
We rarely use spanking, but I am a firm believer in its warranted use. Time outs from time to time can be effective. My favorite that typically brings scorn but works GREAT! Vinegar! I dip my finger in the vinegar and wipe in on their tongue. Easy to use, portable, most of all it brings fear and dread to my…
I used to be a huge fan of FiOS, but as of late I deplore them. The service/connection has gotten crappier and corporate refuses to do anything about it (even though all their technicians will agree with you that a problem exists).
I'd go so far to say as it is 80-90% of what you eat and the rest is exercise/supplements. I think it's important to emphasize that you can't exercise away a bad "diet." If what you ate and how you workout were truly equal, I would probably have a much easier time getting ripped :(. But alas, it is far too easy to…
Linda Watson's "Wildly Affordable Organic" features 6-week vegetarian, all organic, or just whole foods plans for ~$4/person/day and a lot of what she does overlaps — quinoa, beans, vegetables. You'd have to substitute nuts and nut butters and diversify the beans but the two plans would inform each other well.
Vote: VLC
Why: so far it opens everything I throw at it. (Period)
And don't just talk to your boys about boy issues and girls about girl issues. I think a lot of male kids would benefit from the same talk as girls get; though it may not directly affect them, in the end they will still perpetuate the problematic things that the media tells us.
I could post ANY song from the Chrono Cross soundtrack and it would be a jaw-dropping masterpiece.