
Yeah, and if you’re autistic or have other disabilities that impact social awareness you’re fucked, even if you’re a fantastic writer or programmer or whatever. I hope people realize soon that this expectation that employees should psychically understand unspoken office rules is ableist bullshirt.

This is the worst advice I’ve ever heard. People who order drinks in bars regularly aren’t generally specifying the type of glass or talking about ABV, and if I ever hear anyone order their margarita “topless” I will be both amused and revolted.

I’m the opposite actually. When I was young I was constantly trying to define my identity so I was mostly interested in talking about myself. Now that I’m older and settled in who I am I’m far more interested in other people.

There’s a big difference between kids playing in the street and parents irresponsibly letting their kids play unsafely in the street.

That may be true for the “average” woman—since the average woman in America now is significantly overweight. As a small framed woman with a normal BMI who’d not mind losing 10lbs, I can attest that 1200kcal is the absolute maximum I can eat and lose any weight, and it’s really more like 900. It used to be more but age

Solution: don’t ride a donorcyle.

Ew. Just use the kind with the cheese packet, it’s 193748848473 times better.

I’m pretty liberal, and I stay away from most of these terms because there’s no point in offending people.

Could you imagine a team called the “Whatever Jews” full of players that weren’t Jewish but all spun dreidels before each game?

The most offensive thing is how they mispronounce Celtic. (Which, as an adjective, probably shouldn’t be pluralized at all — it was just the Celts with a hard K sound.)

I named mine Quarantine Island.

I have NVLD (non-verbal learning disorder) so I can ONLY think in words. Guided mediations drive me crazy... I can’t imagine a beach, all I can do is describe it as if I were writing a book.

Where are Last Of Us 2 and Vampire: Bloodlines 2?

What’s wrong with having mental health issues? The implication that her inclusion as a black woman on the show is lessened by that is a little insulting.

I tried this but it was wayyyy to sweet.  Sugary sweet.  Can you do another version for people who prefer their curry more on the umami side?

Ironically, I couldn’t play the original Half-Life because the movement gave me simulator sickness. So now I don’t have to care that I can’t play this game because VR makes me throw up.

That was so, so awesome.  It must have taken forever to make, but hey Kirk, I’ll throw in a donation if you ever want to do something from Chrono Cross up like that.

How much is the salmon roe?

Is this digital only or boxed?  Cost?  It’s really helpful when those details are included in the article.

Some rules are not pedantry. For example, pronouns are a “closed class” in linguistics—a category of words we can’t easily expand like nouns and verbs. Research has shown our brains process closed- and open- class words differently.