
Subtract the 5 minutes the reader just spent reading this article.

Now, instead of thinking about that iPad, think of your last amazing vacation. Chances are, that vacation makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside when that iPad makes you feel nothing at all. The reason is that we tend to value experiences over objects, even if we don't think we do.

Even more interesting, the reason some of us get nauseated playing video games is the exact inverse — our eyes see movement which our bodies don't feel.

Wait, Jon Snow is...

Do the squirrels have chestnuts? Chestnuts and squirrels? Kuri to risu?

adorbs boa babieeee. looks like my old dwarf boa, kitten.

That's what she said.

I have low blood pressure and am prone to fainting, so salt and water are my best friends. Oddly, drinking from the ocean doesn't really help.

Not always awkward!


Higher quality may or may not last longer, depending on how you take care of it. It does look better though. I can tell when someone is wearing polyester pants instead of wool gabardine. There is no substitute for the look and feel of a raw silk blouse. I mean, go to Target by all means for your playclothes, but

I would add: only buy quality items. I would rather wear the same pair of high quality Italian leather heels every day than own twelve pairs of cheap mall shoes. Buy two pairs of pants instead of ten. You can vary your outfits by wearing different-colored tops—you can actually get decent quality tops from places like


I have a Das Keyboard at home and another one at work, and I still went "OOoooh" at this sale.

Cell towers weren't originally meant to make handoffs at 600+ mph. Car speed, yes. Plane speed, no. Plays havoc with the towers trying to keep a stable IP address on a cell when you have to make handoffs every 2 seconds.

Car rides nauseate me (motion sickness).

"Thank you" is absolutely the correct response. I don't see that as conceited—you're thanking the other person for saying something nice about you, regardless of whether you agree. When you deflect a compliment, to me it often sounds like false modesty, and like you're fishing for the other person to persuade you of

I don't see any problem with getting a job doing whatever while you're looking for a career job. I've waitressed, done data entry, and other random things while in between. I don't list them on my resume, and in interviews I usually just say I waitressed and other similar jobs to pay the bills—it's never counted

The three bedroom my parents owned on 86th and Lex was certainly an investment. I just wish they had held onto it a little longer.

We have a relaxed dress code at work, but I've recently started dressing up more. When I wear jeans and no makeup, I look like I'm 18. Throw on a sheath dress, heels, and a touch of makeup, and I actually look 28. This is a good thing.