
It also is to lessen the strain on cell towers which were built to do handoffs at 60mph, not 600mph.

Dear Doc,

There should never be simple syrup either! Tequila, triple sec, and fresh squeezed lime juice. What more could you want?

Arch is my favorite too. I started on Slackware and moved to Ubuntu when it came out, but when I discovered Arch, everything fell into place. I find it easier to set up and maintain than any other distro, including Ubuntu, plus I also feel like I know what I'm doing in Linux now.

If you keep XP, for the love of [deity] don't ask your poor overworked IT people at work to support it. We have enough to do without (unnecessarily) removing viruses and troubleshooting drivers every other week.

I have an HTPC which also functions as a server. Right now it's running Arch Linux, which I adore but is too unstable (rolling release) for a server/htpc. Does anyone have a good suggestion of a linux distro for HTPC use (mythtv/xbmc) and server? I don't trust Canonical's agenda, so I'd rather stay away from

God no. One of my favorite treats is to take myself out to dinner — just me, a pleasant restaurant, and a book. I never thought that was weird until someone said to me once they wouldn't go to a restaurant alone. *shrug* whatever floats your boat

I'm not a coffee geek at all, but I use an Aeropress because it's convenient for a single gal living alone, and I think it brews a pretty darn good cup. Were you using the inverted method? I think that's key. I've gotten good results from grinds from drip all the way down to near espresso, so *shrug*

I use this one :)

No picture. But I have a dasKeyboard (the regular kind) and a SteelSeries XAI mouse. I love them both.

I'm sort of in the opposite situation. I live in a city with tons of work opportunities in my field. I hate city living, and I hate long commutes. Someday I really want/need to find a way to live in the country and still have a job. Someday.

I have an HTPC built into a Shuttle XPC case. I wouldn't recommend Shuttle's barebones systems at all (I've had a bad time with their motherboards), but if you can find the case alone somewhere, they're really nice. Their latest XPC cases (the sz77r5 I believe) supports mini-itx.

Would this work on plaster?

If the beginner in question is someone who actually wants to learn Linux, then Arch or even better, Slackware. This way, you know what most packages and services actually do, because you have to deliberately install them. You know how services work and what the config files in /etc do. If Slackware is still like it

I was 12 — it was my Bat Mitzvah gift! Pentium II 400 ... I loved that baby. I called her Tenel Ka.

How is forwarding X11 over ssh obscure? I do this all the time.

Every night (sometimes I use sleep mode instead of shutting down entirely.) I have a studio and I can't stand the noise and lights when I sleep.

Yum. I store all my leftovers in canning jars. Cheap, and charming.

Homemade yogurt is delish! But heating an empty crock pot isn't good for the crock, y'know...

Begin by finding a better show to watch ^____^