
I find my cat really hard to judge, because not only is she fluffy, but she has all this loose skin at her belly that swings free when she walks. It's funny looking, but it's not fat, and the vet said it wasn't dangerous.

VOTE: Backtrack Linux Live

Seconding this. I have it turned all the way down at night, and the regular night setting during the day. My eyes thank me.

I'm super excited, if only for MyWi and f.lux... mostly f.lux. I can't stop reading on my iPad at night.

I'm going to try this. I get the worst blisters on the arch of my foot from roller skating.

Don't shoot me but I remember my Motorola K-Razr quite fondly.

I once borrowed my mother's fabric scissors from her sewing box to cut construction paper when I was little. She was not happy.

Who hates fiction? Really?

I have been using Subsonic for a while now, and though I love it, the iOS apps it has are less than satisfactory.

Violet! Like candy violets, except curiously strong.

I wish the electric company wanted to build a power line on my property, so they could pay me to do it. I wouldn't pay them to remove a power line, since that would require me having money. (And property, come to think of it.)

I used to have a Sega Nomad, which was like a Game Gear and a Genesis in one. You could play Genesis games on the handheld or connect it to the TV, in which case there were two screens, one on the device and one on the TV. I never looked down at my hands when I was using it that way though.

That's amazing! I can't tell if it has running water and electricity though...

Correlation != causation. I'm betting that the people who bother to write down what they eat are more motivated to lose weight than people who don't, and it's that motivation which gives them higher success rates, not the logging itself.

That's true... I suppose I've been thinking about a NAS like I do my server, on which I run a bunch of things too annoying/slow to do on my laptop. Synergy says its NAS boxes support various operating systems—can you not do things directly on them?

It appears that some (or all?) of the Synology ones don't support SATA III—that just kills it for me. I have a linux server which I use as a NAS, but it only has room for two drives (three, including the CD drive which I don't use). Tradeoff for tiny footprint, I guess.

Can all the math snobs please just can it? Math is not everyone's strong suit, and not everyone remembers things learned in school 10+ years ago. Putting down people who might find this useful is rude, and makes you sound insecure.

Not drinking too much in the first place?

This looks really cool! Thanks for sharing it. I'm a PHP dev and I was about to start learning Cake but this looks neat...

Third this. I always code on OSX precisely because of Coda. I wish they would port it to Linux/Windows.