
I totally just read this as "All of our life is nothing but a mass of hobbits."

Nope... but lots of apps let you upgrade for free :)

I have, but I actually keep my passwords stored in local files, IIRC lastpass is an online service. Also, 1password is pretty, and I admit to being a sucker for pretty.

Introversion != social awkwardness. I'm outgoing and easy to talk to in social situations. I'm an introvert because inside, I'm usually dying to be home with my cat by myself quietly reading a book. Introverts recharge with alone time, and find social interactions draining. It doesn't mean we're bad at them,

1Password is expensive, but I really like it, so I bought it for both of my computers and my iPad. Given that, I'm /really/ annoyed that they're not offering this as a free upgrade to those of us who have already paid them a lot of money.

I run Arch on both my server and my desktop, and I am wicked confused by systemd. I know it's now the linux standard, but I miss my rc.conf, dammit!

Quarters. I'm always excited when I find a quarter, since I need so many of them for laundry and parking.

Ah, that one does look different from mine. Thanks! I'll try it out.

What model do you have? I have long sheddy hair too, and the hair catcher I have gets clogged and backs up the water after about 5min.

Alternatively, stop wanting it.

I still like Atomic browser instead of Safari... IIRC, you guys used to like it too.

Old buildings in the north east (New York and Boston) often do not have screens in the windows. Still, we usually use a separate screen (purchased at the hardware store), which is trapped between the sill and the windowpane. It's rarely perfect though.

This is precisely why I skipped the 4S. Why did you assume you could get the subsidized price for every release? No one else can.

Learn to enjoy the feeling of being hungry. If you stop saying in your head "This is awful, I'm hungry, I must eat" and instead just observe the feeling without any judgments, it's easy to see being hungry and being full as two equally interesting states without any intrinsic value.

I would add—do not take a picture of me without asking first. Under NO circumstances upload a picture of me to the internet without my express permission. Thank you, smartphones with cameras, for ruining everyone's privacy.

Subsonic.. thanks to a tip from someone here a while ago. I love it.

Let me rephrase. Screen requires installation, at least on the distro I use, because it does not come with the base image.

Screen! You have to install it, but it's awesome to be able to SSH into my server, start a process, detach the screen, and then log out. It'll be running and waiting for me when I get home!

VOTE: Das Keyboard

I agree with this. My nephew just started a job where he is expected to stay at work until 9 at night most nights. (Entry level financial job). He'll probably make 10x what I ever do, but nothing is worth that to me. I would rather make "just enough" and have plenty of me-time than make tons and feel stressed