
I would never steal someone's lunch, but if I saw a sandwich that looked like that, I would throw it away. Mold is gross and a health hazard. And really, who would blame me? (Assuming the sandwich really was moldy.) So I wouldn't try that one.

Hm... I don't usually eat anything until 5:30 or 6pm. Something like the reverse of what they're suggesting. Still, I don't see how it's connected to the time of day...

VOTE: Asus RT-N16

This. I have a similar setup with a Shuttle PC (with higher specs since I run XBMC and other stuff on it) and Arch.

I have so much networking junk in my apartment I think my router could die three times over and I'd still be okay. I keep a tiny hub, ethernet cable, a crimper, and ends in my toolbox in case my family has a problem though and I need to fix something on the go.

Just to be annoying...

I'm paranoid. I have separate identities (not work/personal though... just me/not me) and I use TOR anytime I do anything related to the "not me" identity.

I take medications which make it almost impossible to get up early. If I do, I'm a zombie and I will feel sick until the next time I sleep my full amount.


Um... I'm pretty sure most girls can clasp their bra behind their back. I certainly can.

I'm so happy right now that I'm a girl.

They tend not to work online, because most credit card systems online require your billing address to validate the card.

I remember when IE was the best browser. My friends and I always used to put notices on our splash pages asking people to use IE and up their resolution to 800x600.

Oh I miss BOSS coffee... how is it that canned Japanese coffee is superior to the coffee at the "indie super-cool" coffee house near me?

That's what she said.

Unless you're talking about motherboard form factors :)

I agree with this. I started using Linux in the late 90s and early naughts, and I started with Slackware. Trying to get that to work with my hardware, especially homePNA, back then was a nightmare. I wouldn't suggest that experience to anyone (although I did learn a lot).

Sure, I agree, and that's why I'd put Ubuntu on my mom's computer.

Gah, I'm starting to really hate Ubuntu. The wonderful thing about Linux is that it forces you to learn how your operating system works. That used to be true with all distros—especially since you used to have to recompile the kernel if you had any interesting hardware in your case.

The first personal webpages I made had a splash page begging people to use 800x600 instead of 640x480... how far we've all come since then!