VOTE: Arch
VOTE: Arch
This article showed up under my Lifehacker:Linux feed, so is there a linux guide?
It's definitely not too soon. Haven't you heard the Titanic song?
I used to pirate everything, but then I took an arrow to the knee.
Narcissists don't actually love themselves... they use superiority as a way to control how insecure they actually feel.
I am a smoker, and this doesn't bother me, so long as there is somewhere relatively close where I can go smoke. Preferably a designated spot with an ashtray garbage can thing, because I don't like cigarette butts on the ground any more than anyone else.
Or... why not both be required?
Ohh they should add that to the DSM V.
I always figured that if you drink /instead/ of eating, you can pretty much drink whatever you want without gaining weight.
I find myself agreeing, which makes me sad, but my pocketbook happy. I used to salivate over the latest processor release and was perpetually unsatisfied with how "old" my desktop was.
I'm totally in your boat. Add whole milk or ice cream. It's delicious and will definitely up the calories.
It's dead for me, and I'm sad. I used to have great conversations on AIM with all my friends. Now, no one else uses it. A few of my friends are now on facebook chat or gchat, but there are more people on those I don't want to talk to, so just regular old texting these days.
Can you skin metro? I won't even try it yet because the default bright blocky color thing is... well, Win 95 looked better.
No mention of f.lux? It's a crossplatform program tha automatically dims the light of your computer when it's night outside, creating less eye strain. It takes a while to get used to the pinkish hue, but after that it's a godsend.
For #9, I think it bears mentioning that you need a separate license to embed a font on your website. Even many free fonts restrict the ways you can use them online.
I have no drying machine.
This. I like it too, but I hate Google having access to all my email. No way I'm adding someone else to the list.
I also have a custom-built desktop with an overclocked Core i7-940, gigabyte ud3r motherboard, 560ti graphics, and a 13" macbook air.
I can sort of believe this... I get stuck for hours on a programming problem, but the moment I take a break and go out for a smoke I suddenly figure it out. (Doesn't work without the nicotine unfortunately...)