Political Science isn't Rocket Science - Except when it is

Scoring in a World Cup is personal as much as it is for the benefit of the team. Mallory Pugh scored the eleventh goal, and it was her first ever goal in a World Cup (in her first World Cup game). Alex Morgan tied a USWNT record. It’s always a big deal to score in a World Cup, and these players are allowed to

“The US continuing to score goals was uncalled for. They were just humiliating poor Thailand.”

Would like to see DJ Khaled ask him for the time

No need to pad the score against the Thai. 

Gonna use this again.  We should be using his middle name more often.  

My heart says we are all that light boy in the background constantly screaming BARACK OBAMA!!!*

Let’s allow this logic for a second. An abortion is a second violent act for these women.

No no no. I shared my story in the comments on another article. Forcing a woman to go through with carrying her rapists child is violence. It doesn't matter how much support you have (I had worlds of it), none of it could erase the nightmare that was forced on me. 

Shelter Cat Update!

Finally! I think we can all breathe easier now that we’ve heard Lara Trump’s take on things. So wise. So, so wise.

Remember when we just had to deal with weird comments about SCOTUS justices being gay because they played softball? No mentions of beer or boofing or credible sexual assault allegations?

Also “Unseen Academicals” by Sir Terry Pratchett. 

welcome back

“As David French put itin the National Review, when he sees “activists” trying to “destroy” Covington boys, he thinks: “That could be my son.”

So last night while drinking too much and checking in on Drew for probably the 25th time that day, I decided to sketch a loving tribute. I use the term “sketch” loosely because I basically just ripped off (and for a good chunk of it I downright traced) the Death of Superman comic book cover. I don’t really understand

“A picture is worth a thousand words”

I have a Russian ex pat friend who keeps up with anti Putin news. The current thoery running around is that Trump was the perfect agent because he is so bad at it. The primary goal they say, is to reduce confidence in American democracy. So either Putin gets favorable treatment, or if all falls apart and Russians see

You should try dancing - it’s fun, and it turns out nobody else gives a shit what you look like when you’re doing it.  

But it doesn’t even have to be political.

I would never conduct myself like that, much less at a job interview. But, then again, I’m a woman, so if I raised my voice and interrupted people like he did, I’d be a bitch.