Political Science isn't Rocket Science - Except when it is

Never underestimate the ability of a Dem to pick a bland white male VP and think it’s a bold choice. Made sense for Obama but Tim Kaine, John Edwards, Joe Lieberman, Al Gore and Lloyd Bentsen do not fill me with hope a bold choice will be forthcoming - as much sense as Abrams/Harris/Booker/Castro/Duskworth or about

Governor of Oregon Kate Brown, Mayor of Chicago Lori Lightfoot and former mayor of Houston Anise Parker are all out queer women. Governor of Colorado (and former member of House) Jared Polis is an out gay man. Those are just four pretty high profile jobs relative to Pete I can toss out. Now whether any of them are

And it conveniently ignores how the line was shifted repeatedly to favor different applicants. Depending on when her father emigrated and what family connections he had in the US he may well have been in an express eane relative to say single men trying to come here to work from Mexico.

An exception should be made for facilities that truly reflect his legacy and persona like toxic waste dumps and septic tanks.

I’d nudge them gently towards any of a thousand better choices (lots of cool and more talented YouTubers out there - and yes they all sell merch but those two are just over the top pushing product and manipulating demand). I say this having accompanied my daughter to VidCon where she got to meet several great artists

Utah uses a convention system that eliminates their primary if one candidate gets enough votes (60%). Since Utah is something like 90% GOP the convention is basically the entire election.  Mike Ler actually won his seat by going to the right at a convention and part of his appeal was just this sort of America First

Athough that sort of split can happen (and the real nightmare scenario going into 2018 was that 6 Dems could knock each other out in some Orange County seats so only the GOP was on the ballot-didn’t happen but was close) it actually didn’t happen in the last CA Senate race in 2018. It was two Dems, Feinstein and de

One small point - the ACA defines full time as 30 hrs/week to minimize employers playing games on healthcare eligibility.  Not the same as a law making 30 the new 40 across the board but it can be done. 

This happened in SW Portland at a MAx station. Knowing the area itv well have been a person with untreated/undertreated substance abuse and/or mental health issues who needs a lot more than anger management but won’t get it. A lot of homeless people use MAX as both transportation and a form of temporary shelter during

This sadly may not be unconstitutional. The AUMF on Global Terror passed after 9/11 is still in effect and the IRG is a declared state sponsor of terror ergo fair game under the broad reading of the AUMF both sides have generally taken for two decades now. Because of his position in a legitimate state government it

It was seen as elegant 60+ years ago (like Baked Alaska and shrimp cocktail) and has lingered on with places that cater to people with money and no interest in expanding their palates (ie perfect for Trump). I saw it a lot in the Midwest especially at steakhouses that catered to guys picking up the tab on business

For Dems minority turnout is going to be crucial in 2020 esp. in emerging swing States like AZ and NV as well as in places like PA, MI and WI where urban centers have to make up for erosion in the former Dem base of union households (which just don’t have the numbers they used to). I hope the ultimate candidate can

I could see her needling him about it a little, but lovingly.  "How big is your ego, anyways?" "So that's what you like, huh?". Followed by much snuggling.

He is still a long shot but he’s got a viable if narrow path to the nomination. He invested massively in ground game in Iowa in the hopes a surprise win there would catapult him into the lead ala Obama 2008 (like all things Pete it feels very calculated, and is a big reason for his buzz and decent numbers in Iowa but

You don't have to be convicted (see Ford pardon of Nixon) but Gallagher was.  Albeit not of the worst charges because a medic who got immunity suddenly claimed he killed the kid before Gallagher stabbed him.  Still convicted though - and turned in by the members of his team. So in pardoning him Trump endorses war

They forecast Nevin's strategy on the West Wing arc about pardons (which was basically a moralistic do-over of Bill Clinton's Seth Rich pardon) - the valid ones are "packing peanuts" to give cover for the egregious ones.  Doesn't mean the deserving cases should not have been granted but underscores that they likely

Yes as a matter of law. Not so much in the minds of jurors or in those of administrators at religiously affiliated schools (UP is Catholic - I don't know which order but it is a lot more conservative than people think when they hear Portland).

Or Gary/Lake County.   The home of the Jackson 5 cannot be linked to this nonsense. 

Polling disagrees with you. Most Americans identify as moderate and those who identify as Dems are pretty equally split between moderates and  liberals.  This has been the pattern in the Democratic party for several decades - before that you had the southern conservative Dems too but they are gone now. 

I am a lawyer and I can tell you this due process whining has been driving me bonkers. Grand jury proceedings are the closest analogy to what the House is doing - bringing in witnesses to speak to the people who can issue an indictment - and those are confidential specifically to preserve the rightso/ofreputatation of