Political Science isn't Rocket Science - Except when it is

The camera angle makes it impossible to say of the ball crossed the plane. This was on ESPNU so apparently they lack a pylon/goalline camera to actually show whether the plane was crossed so review would have been a round of guessing too. Whatever was initially called probably would have stood. While the Pac-12 refs

Menlo had a run of really good teams. As the article said California has realtively few FBS teams for its size (4 Pac-12 teams, Fresno and San Diego State) almost no FCS football (Sac State, UC Davis and Cal Poly Pomona are about it) and even less DII so the DIII schools actually have some really good talent. In the

I was teaching at Whittier the last two years and Oxy was the only win the first year - by forfeit - on homecoming. The next year they beat the team on the field - the only game I went to where Whittier looked bigger and faster (because Oxy was suiting up all freshmen and sophomores). Such a weird comedown from when I

The scary thing to contemplate is how many things he’ll manipulate (or try to) to win in the next year. From pushing the Fed to lower rates for no reason other than polls to floating tax cuts in an election season to probably ending his phony trade war in September to juice the economy, to pushing through a few hundred

Her former boss at the RNC went to work on the Trump transition (as did the head of the RNC Reince Priebus) back when the old establishment was claiming they’d moderate his behavior. Almost the whole transition team wound up in the administration and have now essentiallyall been purged for some level of perceived

This. I just started a new teaching job at a school with near continuous bus traffic on campus. The nonchalant manner of students as they stroll in front of the busses is stressing me out.

Wat should probably be clarified is that none of these cases is arguing sexual orientation or gender identity are themselves protected classes like race and sex are. They probably should be but the Court has been resistant to adding any categories for decades, and with the current makeup all but certainly would never

Nxon v Fitzgerald and Clinton v Jones leave open what the ends of “official conduct” are. In Fitzgerald, Nixon fired a contracts officer for being a whistleblower/squeaky wheel - clearly an official act although dickish. Tweeting on a personal account though, on a matter unrelated to policy and for the sole purpose of

It was actually done in the original study as a control to see how well people remembered details - they were testing how much changing news coverage slightly (one extra negative piece on Jimmy Carter - that’s how old this is) in turn impacted your view of his administration as a whole. The effect was found in both

Back when I practiced law, I felt the same as you did when work lunch crew (3 other lawyers all in their 20s or 30s) would inevitably suggest Hooters episodically (and on rarer occasions strip clubs, either for “lunch” with clients or after happy hours that ran long). Didn’t get it but went along because frankly I’ve

I want an installation piece of these anodyne “it’s the culture” droppings and Melania’s “Be Best” stuff on a loop as the rhetoric of his campaign, the rallies, his treatment of every and anyone he doesn’t like, and the transcript of the Inside Hollwood tape play on a giant screen.  Maybe intercut with passages from

Needs some claim she did a reading at a Trump branded property and it was huuuuge but good first draft.

Why not - it has kinda sorta worked on Twitter and Facebook at least to date.

They are docile except when it is mating season - then they can aggressive, but mainly when they see other males.  So at least at the SF Zoo they were notorious for attacking cars and other reflective surfaces.  That and their crap will destroy your paint job.

I was laughing so hard at those that if I had been chased into the dick forest I would have immediately choked to death.

Had our nation been blessed with leaders with the compassion and dignity of President Obama throughout our history we might be closer to actually living our national creed that asserts we are a nation of liberty and justice for all. But when you then see how easy it was for a combination of moneyed interests and

And fuel, too - don’t forget that.

You say everyone knows this and yet implicit bias tests show we still have a huge problem admitting people who look like us can commit horrible crimes. Lawyers still use the “normality”/good boy looks of their clients as a means to prime juries and judges to find them not guilty or reduce their sentences. The entire

Exposing the banality of evil is actually pretty important. It is way too easy to think monsters fit in a box - and that box is almost always labeled “not like me.” In fact a critical study on media narratives (a cornerstone of the concepts of framing and priming that basically explains the success of Fox news as well

Turtle had been grooming a couple of replacements (including the one who lost to Rand Paul) but it is unlikely that anyone else in the GOP Senate caucus would be the combination of evil and deeply versed in Senate arcana as Mitch - he’s been hanging around the place for almost 50 years in one capacity or another.  In