Political Science isn't Rocket Science - Except when it is

Sooooooooo Qasem Soleimani commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard was taken out tonight; early reports say 45 ordered it. You just know that he’s been pissy because he wanted his “bin Laden moment”.  This has always been my fear (I know I’m not alone) with this fool. Funnily enough, he has a rally tomorrow...what a

We just assassinated Qassim Soleimani, a humongously popular leader of the fucking Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. This is bad. Very very bad. This is why people the world over chant “Death to America” and this is why they’re absolutely, completely right to do so. God DAMN IT.

I’m sure they couldn’t really tell Trump he’s not welcome, but getting Andres to throw out the first pitch is a giant “Fuck you!” to Trump. The Trump family very publicly hates Andres since he pulled out of the hotel while being vocal and honest about why. Honestly, that even more than the boos may all but ensure he

Ok, we’re all chill with the kid being roasted but this might be over the line.

70 comments (not counting the greys) and not one extolling the virtues of the bidet? Seriously?

Lol I’m sorry that made me laugh. I’m glad you are ok and I hope that the cats enjoy the free tuna my friend. 

So I guess I’m the only one feeling nostalgic after that little girl in the photo is old enough to enroll in college. And that it’s been three years since we’ve had a sane/non-senile/not-a-total-unrepentant-dick president.

The greatest swearers in the world are Hungarians and it’s not even close.

I love swearing. A properly placed “fuck this fucking fuck” is so satisfying as an emotional release, I say it regularly as a way to avoid therapy.

I will admit though that there is something so heinously hilarious about non-expletive insults when you’re insulting another person, that sometimes it’s the superior move

I was definitely bored. Cliff’s entire adventure at Spahn Ranch meant nothing to the rest of the movie and lasted forever. Cliff is worried about his old boss, checks up on him after some pushback from the Manson family, and his boss is as fine as can be expected. The end. It takes what feels like 30 minutes to

I work for my school system and most of my kids (my students) get free/reduced lunch. I believe when people hear free/reduced lunch, they automatically think POC who breed like rabbits and don’t want to work. My town is 90% to 95% white, most of the kids who receive free/reduced lunch are white. And all of their

Thank you for writing this out. This is a valuable contribution because many people don’t understand this dynamic. I’d just add that some of us feel the same way about research. Seeing one of these components called addictive really clarified for me why I can’t manage my emails or cook a meal when I’m in a research

Adjuncting, lecturer positions, visiting positions and exploited graduate labor are keeping universities as we know them afloat. It’s unsustainable and unfair and won’t change as long as unscrupulous universities keep feeding graduate students Ph.D.s that they know will have little value in the current academic job

The weird thing about Michael Cohen is that he’d probably show up at one of Trump’s kid’s schools to threaten a teacher about a grade or another parent for gossiping etc, but then he’d also show up at his own kid’s school for a PTA meeting or a dance recital. He’s goon and an asshole but from all reports (some first

When I read them I wasn’t sure if he was racist so much as entitled, privileged, and arrogant enough to think that it was cute to play at being racist. Like he thought he was being naughty and subversive. I mean he probably is racist, too, but the few texts I read made him seem like he was the kind of asshole for whom

Im going to go out on a limb here and just posit, Where she was conceived.

I have seen a few hundred of the coming-up generation’s birth certificates. You’re not far off. It’s like somebody dropped the alphabet in a blender and took the first 9 letters that fell out.