Political Science isn't Rocket Science - Except when it is

My hubby just discovered ASMR last night. So I found him in bed listening to some lady whispering about cutting his hair. He unplugged his headphones and after about 8 seconds of hearing her whispery voice I wanted to start stabbing everything. I don’t think ASMR is for me.

Wasn’t that the vaping congressman?

“he guzzles around eight Diet Cokes a day”

Same here. My lesbian friends (which honestly is my entire social group...I am the token straight friend) basically just can’t be bothered. Whereas my repeated dealings with men’s bullshit has definitely left me more jaded and cynical and angry with men.

Just to clarify, he’s likely reffering to a common complaint offered by his Big Boy Friend, Devin Nunes. Basically, a lot of central valley and southern California water comes from the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta. There’s a lot of water rights, I don’t understand but I get some of the gist.

Basically, Central

I live in the SF Bay Area and have occasion to travel down to and through the Central Valley (Nunes territory). The number of freeway-side signs blaming Nancy Pelosi for the water shortage is mind boggling.

Now playing

Chris Evans’ twitter feed is mostly him taking pictures of his dog and bitch-slapping right wingers. That’s all I need to know to consider him the best Chris. This PSA with Chris Pine puts him in close second, though.

I get this line from college buddies of mine: “dude, how do handle being around all those smoke shows at your professor job?” Set aside the pure objectification of women. Set aside the fact that I am not the adultery type. Set those and other very valid objections. Set them aside. Here’s a fact: 18-23 year old women

Now playing

In the past, these speeches are released to the public! If you want to weep nostalgically, here’s a video of Obama with the 2016 teacher of the year. Video released by the White House. (Interesting that the White House is censoring this one....

Your name is so wonderfully appropriate here. I presume you’re one drink away from the Hedgehog Song yourself ;)

Because I was once young myself, I know that it’s hard for young people to imagine old wrinklies bumping uglies. I’m almost 70 and as capable of having an orgasm as I was when younger. More capable, in fact, because I’ve learned a thing or two.

She left you because you are an asshole.

Taco Bell’s history is exactly what you’d expect. Glenn Bell, ran a hot dog cart and ripped off the recipes of the mexican restaurant, The Milta Cafe, across the street from his cart in San Bernardino. The cafe he ripped off is still there and apparently really good.

Well one of them gets paid too much money for some supposed talent, disgraces the country every time they open their mouth, and hangs around with a lot of no good grifters and shady motherfuckers.

Hope Hicks.

In my mostly uninformed opinion (I work with financially distressed entities), I think we are facing another mortgage backed securities crisis— but this time with student loans. There’s just too much student loan debt that can’t be repaid, and too few jobs that pay enough to finance all of it. That bubble is going to

RE: Cursing at Work

Numbers don’t lie; Great article. I will just add three points:

I still disagree. I do not believe Pence would be much more effective than Trump at getting Republican legislation passed. Pence was in charge of the Trump administration’s transition team, and that was a mess. The Republicans have done a pretty good job of tripping over their own feet in Congress so far this year (I