Political Science isn't Rocket Science - Except when it is

They tried to crack down on wall creeping with the ref spray painting the spot but that was at best a marginal deterrent - and definitely not enforced like this. 

No but I bet Michael Cohen did.

He actually defended his behavior as essentially performative ad intentionally tansgressive rather than sincere and about how he’s “grown” since then. To me that both explains his contrarian conduct in the wake of the shooting and makes Harvard’s choice a lot more justifiable. This isn’t some redneck who then had an

This seems to be what we are seeing. If Bolton and/or Pompeo had their way we’d be bombing the suspected nuclear sites and probably committing tens of thousands of ground troops in Yemen and on the Iraq/Iran border. Trump wants to look strong and bellicose but is terrified of being on the losing side (especially snce

AB’s issue is more the single tasker/cleaning objections. Cleaning is mainly why i prefer not to use one. There is an argument about slicing and smashing (smashing supposedly is better/slicing leads to more acrid tastes) but only super tasters are likely to notice.

I support the idea but wonder just what would be left on the air if the US did the same. 

We could make a case for almost every President getting hit harder on a regular basis than Trump. Even George Washington got bad press especially inhis second term. John Adams got called a hermaphrodite in the press. Andrew Jackson survived two assassination attempts.   Grover Cleveland and Thomas Jefferson got outed

Yeah that’s a real tell. Because if he had the tiniest sense of what Lincoln was actually subjected to all the way back in 1860-61 he’d shut his damn mouth. Even the birther bullshit that he flung at Obama pales in comparison (and his birtherism is no doubt part of why he’s still convinced Obama was personally spying

Yeah I agree the overall takeaway is still that the Court felt it had to screen stuff to see if it was obscene, did so in groups that included 20 something clerks and near blind old men and at least one Justice had to have the action described to him. As a teacher and former attorney that is just about the most skeevy

You made the point I was trying to establish better than I did - people think there were a lot of press secretaries because the face of comms (who normally is the press secretary) kept changing but the title's didn't match the job duties. 

Yes they are in light of 2018. That and if they are honest people who turned out in 2016 just not feeling Trump at all and sitting it out.

The 53% was shocking when I first heard it but it turns out 1) the final number was closer to 47%(still more than Hilary at 45%) because of exit polling sample issues and 2) it actually was a pretty low number for white women and the GOP historically (15 out of 17 Presidential cycles they voted GOP even as the GOP

Sitting out or voting Libertarian is a win for the Dem candidate. Couple that with urban turnout more like 2008 or 2012 (or youth turnout like 2018) and you have plenty of votes for Warren (or any other Dem candidate).

Trump - Socialism. Pocahontas. Lock her up. Socialism. Nasty. Socialism. Keep America Great

The relative Dem numbers don’t mean much - typically the median candidate within a large field like this wins (Trump was the middle choice between Jeb and Cruz for example) . The head to head is more interesting because normally an incumbent runs better against specific opponents than against generic opposition/the

Don’t put much into the relative standing of the Dems - as Obama showed (and Sanders imitated but not as successfully) there are a lot of ways to overtake a front runner with the use of caucuses and proportional awarding if delegates. But the consistent, overwhelming trend of how badly Trump polls is probably a valid

I fit your description (dating in my 40s, introverted and in fact on the autism spectrum). I think the biggest issue is always expectations. You have to think about what you are really looking for - sex, a possible relationship, friendship? Then be honest about what you are looking for. If it is to meet people with

I have only had two serious relationships and I have a range of social deficits that may make me atypical, but the two things that helped me were 1) having things that demanded my intellectual focus and 2) having responsibilities that required me getting out in public. I happened to be in year one of a PhD program

I am biased (my daughter is named Eleanor for both Eleanor Roosevelt and Eleanor of Aquitaine) but it really is a cool name - just be ready for misspelling by everyone who doesn’t get how ea makes the middle syllable. Ada Lovelace is a nice suggestion, but along the same lines of women of STEM like Ada and Marie might

Eleanor (for Acquitane, Roosevelt and the initial of one of her grandmother's) Anne (for something a little easier and to honor the other grandmother) is my daughter's name. I'm obviously biased but it is a pretty cool combination.