Political Science isn't Rocket Science - Except when it is

Rasmussen is his favorite pollster - een though (because) it has a consistent GOP lean and ranked near the bottom in accuracy in the 2018 midterms. I don’t think Rasmussen has been within 5 points of the mean rating for Trump in a long time - so either everyone else is wrong or they are.

Well, and if you go back to any time before the 1960s our ideas about health were almost inverted from today. The people who routinely engaged in weight training were “freaks” or seen as trapped in adolescence. Most people aspired to but couldn’t access a life of leisure that today is commonplace and seen as indolent.

For me, the disconnect is between “fun” and “puts staff at ease by listening to them.”  If you need to “put staff at ease” then you are not working in a “fun” environment.  More like she is the “fun” one relative to the psychotic tangerine.

The link says the bill is still keeping it covered using the same language as the ACA - if it is FDA approved (ie basically all current forms of oral contraceptive) it has to be covered by insurance. Cruz et Al could undermine that by changing either the current ACA mandate or the FDA regulatory process (a long term

The link says the bill is still keeping it covered using the same language as the ACA - if it is FDA approved (ie basically all current forms of oral contraceptive) it has to be covered by insurance. Cruz et Al could undermine that by changing either the current ACA mandate or the FDA regulatory process (a long term

Wonder if she’ll go back to working for Tom Cotton, who I used to think was as intentionally obtuse and dsingenuous of a person as you could find in DC (as opposed to the pure idiots like Steve King and Louie Gohmert) before I got to now Kellyanne Conway and her ilk.

She was on campaign staff since early 2016 aabd was deputy press sec from day 1 of tis nightmarebut didn’t become press secretary until mid 2017 (after the Mooch debacle). So accurate (barely) in a years of service sense but definitely missing detail. Also weird that technically she is only 2nd press secretary in

The way I heard it (and is consistent with this article from 1975), the Supreme Court actually had a number of cases involving obscenity, and routinely screened the films in the basement, often with a bunch of the Justices in attendance. According to the article, it was Justice Stewart providing narration for Justice

The ACA mandate as it stands now covers all FDA approved contraceptives - I only know this because Oregon went to letting pharmacists offer birth control and it didn't end insurance coverage.  But the next step would definitely be for the GOP to fuck with the mandate, either directly or through  CMS "interpretation"

Yep - a nunber of states let pharmacists prescribe birth control directly but under the ACA mandate it is still covered by insurance. Cruz wants to nationalize this but then turn around and strip the mandate, which would pretty much eliminate the upside of this program

If you look closely, the center is often rocking a loincloth look with towels in front (for his hands) and back (for the QB). Central location in both cases let’s you wpe off then grab the ball on the snap. Wide receivers and defensive backs will often have one on a thigh/side because running with it dangling is funny

Well before compression shorts were a thing fat guys on football teams (ie me and all my fellow offensive linemen) were wearing bike shorts to limit chafing. We were open about it, but also almost always wore something over them because junk displays were for wrestling season (that was a whole different adventure in

How is it rubbing it in. To celebrate with your teammates on your side of the field?  She wasn't going over to the Thai bench and calling them losers or anything - and after the match the US players consoled the Thai players, something that isn't being reported at all for some reason.

Even better if it was a temporary encampment/base for a hot second in the Civil War nowhere near a battle and yet the museum is disproportionately about military hardware because guns are cool.

It I the House, not Senate. And 4 members - all Republicans and 3 members of the Freedom Caucus that claims the Dems are not paying attention to real issues - couldn’t be bothered to show up. On top of that because of how scheduling is done at different times several other members drifted in and out. So his anger is

Ssan Estrich, one of the foremost experts on sexual assault law (and who has written poingnently of her own rape) defended Roger Ailes because she had never seen his sleazy side.  Even people who swear they will always believe women put charges against people they know though a subjective filter.

And the immigrant kids (or children of immigrants) on the bee and science fair circuit tend to be relatively privileged themselves because it is extremely difficult to be a legal economic immigrant to this country - you have to have resources to get a long term visa/greencard. Compared to post Vietnam refugees,

And “white” is really this amorphous thing to begin with - a century ago, Irish/Italians/Jews/Slavs/Gypsies were clearly excluded from the power and most (not all, but most) of the benefits of WASP cultural and social dominance, but as the grip on power became more fragile the base was expanded again and again,

I wouldn’t call it covert but a fig leaf of respectability. GMU is the poster child of a school claiming to be for all the classic values of a liberal arts education while really being in service of a particular form of indoctrination. Naming the law school for Scalia while this body was still warm was a pretty big

The only issue I’ve seen with that - and this is mainly in a political setting - is the angry types who are then convinced their question was rejected because the speaker is afraid to answer the "tough"(read irrelevant or psychotic most of the time) questions.  Now you have an angry loon on your hands. But generally