Political Science isn't Rocket Science - Except when it is

Having been on the academic job market for a couple of years, my only advice is to be proactive. They may be assessing their future in light of the new law or may just be distracted but a polite inquiry isn't going to hurt your chances of getting the interview. 

Gizmo certainly was a highlight for me. 

Got to cheer on many of my students at graduation. Oh wait that was what made my whole week. But I gink they were happy to see me too. That and I made cheesecake for a school function and seemed to make many people happy.

Hi. You don’t know me but you just described what a lot of people diagnosed as adults on the ASD describe. Our academic success and ability to function in well defined settings makes it easy for us to slip through the cracks diagnostically and most of us developed a lot of coping mechanisms to pass as close to normal

While the scope of your right not to testify against yourself is broader than it is often portrayed/understood by laypeople, you can’t do what Graham is saying - that would be obstruction of justice if used in that blanket fashion. The question has to call for an answer that could be used against the witness and not

He is seriously taking his own constituents’ hostage and threatening to shoot them if the Chinese don’t give him what he wants.  And the hostages are all for it.

These aren’t law school students but undergrads.  You know people’s sons and daughters who were told the dean would care about them and not his own profile.

No comparison at all - yes the premise is similar at a superficial level but the power dynamics change everything and make sorry to bother you outstanding.  The better comparison is something like Tootsie - which really has not aged well with its premise that a man was struggling to get an acting job relative to older

That’s the premise of “Sorry to Bother You” and it is indeed GOLD.

Well his first pardon was for racist Joe Arpaio’s contempt of court, so this is the logical escalation for a man looking only for his next headline.  And a full damn pardon too, which means he gets his Army benefits that are denied to people who did a lot less than shoot an unarmed man.

The JTC staffers in Congress - the folks who do all the tech analysis for tax bills - are ready and waiting to tear up the most complicated of returns. Trump’s best defense is going to be “everyone was doing it/my lawyer’s said it was okay” which is true and why he probably won’t go to jail, but it makes the “tax

Don’t forget the “I hate her” portion of the GOP electorate that voted for Trump despite knowing full well what a piece of shit he truly is.

While the gap between revenue/working profit and tax profit is often huge (Apple, Google, Amazon fuck all of you very much), these are extraordinary losses for an individual over a full decade and accelerating with time. If he showed a pattern of calculated reductions designed to minimize tax liability in the near

It took the GOP flagrantly becoming the party of trying to deny healthcare to people with special needs (rather than just arguing for alternatives to things like single payer that at least on paper seemed ok) that finally broke me of ever being a truly independent voter. But that was more like 15 years ago, and

The big added detail here is the impact her not having the title had on financial aid - I was a little skeptical of the actual damages claim (reputational harms are really hard to prove), but if there were scholarships linked in any way to the status (or worse yet her application was rejected because she was seen as

My school made speeches separate from valedictorian because historically we’d have at least one kid with a 4.0 by taking mainly shop and pe and no one wanted to hear that person’s thoughts on how rad their car was. So I got to speak despite probably being something like 30th or 40th in my class of 500 (but having the

The ADL is conflicted on this and anything else that involves Israel, but so is Biden and a lot of Democrats.  So by your own earlier logic - and I think it is perfectly valid to criticize the ADL for simultaneously praising the recognition of Jerusalem and claiming to support a two state solution that this

Your starting point was to claim Obama killed someone for exercising First Amendment rights - but that’s not legally accurate. The First Amendment has never protected incitements to unlawful action. What this man was doing likely qualified as incitement - he wasn’t just saying “jihad is a good idea” but things like

There’s a new book out - White Identity Politics - that has some pretty good evidence that it isn’t classic racism that motivates a lot of Trump voters. Instead it is a combination of identifying as “white,” an awareness of their historic privilege as “white” people and a sense that a truly multicultural pluralistic

Joe Walsh is a psychotic asshole who lied his way into a brief stint as a flaming GOP jerk in Congress and is only taking on Trump because Trump stole his schtick about birtherism and immigrants. He is scum and always has been and deserves every bit of vitriol we can muster - the enemy of my enemy is not my friend if