Political Science isn't Rocket Science - Except when it is

She’s definitely inspired a lot of hacks who are even worse, and a lot of eyerolls and aggravation among people who actually care about things like language and story structure.

Just wait until you get the Jell-o salad with carrots and raisins in it.  Carrot cake without all the pesky cake and frosting (I still shudder remembering it)

One thing to point out from the ground in higher ed is that we have seen a sharp uptick in first generation college students and students of color (especially women of color) in the last few decades. That has coincided with the explosion of student debt in part because the system has been taking advantage of families

But that was the metal’s fault, see, not his being raised on a steady diet of horseshit from his family that caused him to listen to black metal and want to target churches he didn’t have a connection to (ie the black ones). 

Not to mention the 2 GOP women senators who came out as sexual assault survivors after voting to confirm Kavanaugh, but wanted their less than precise claims from decades ago to get the full support they refused to give Dr. Blasey Ford.

That men as leaders stat may be a reaction to Trump, too (I really hope it is because just a small shift in white women support could really fuck up his re-election chances)

That similarity is the heart of O’Brien’s defense, and why the plaintiff was tying his case to experts trying to break down specific elements. Unfortunately for the plaintiff (and probably fortunately for the field of comedy as a whole) his lawyers’ efforts with statistics looked too much like a custom built analysis

A couple of things studies in political science have shown are that: a) women (especially in the US) tend not to run unless they are massively overqualified relative to their male counterparts (and will justify not running on the grounds they need more qualifications/experience where a man will just run because he

I don’t support Bernie but I think his going on Fox is yet another fascinating data point in how asymmetrical polarization of politics in the US has been. Maybe it is recency bias but I just finished reading a book on Congress before the Civil War (Field of Blood - the title is a bit of an oversell), and there are

Chandler wore that look a lot - sometimes denim, sometimes other buttoned shirts.  Very rebellious corporate drone after hours.

The Orange Idiot actually tweeted out a picture of a billboard that used the GoT text and font about how “The Wall is Coming” back in January - because of course he doesn’t know shit about the show.

Ejection and suspension for repeated misconduct is pretty much the rule in international and NCAA competition.  In juniors it is supposed to be at least 15 minutes of penalty time and often times is a game misconduct - and fights are down in juniors by something like 3/4 from a decade ago. Even in the NHL you are

I don’t think so. Gravy in this is the often overlooked component that makes a meat pie special, so it is worth the effort. So as a metaphor I guess you could see it as encouraging working at the hard parts of relationships because of the payoff in a deeper connection (or maybe investing in kissing/foreplay

The fact the Orange Idiot is now claiming his branding acumen is why he became President is both one of the most accidentally accurate things he has ever said and one of the reasons I despise him. Yes, the Presidency is nothing but an exercise in brand saturation and management - pesky things like policy and

As your clip points out, it really is asymmetrical more than a true pull to the right. So we wind up with no real center, with Obama being the last person to try and keep the most right wing Dems (McCaskill, Manchin, Dorgan) and the farthest left GOP (Collins and Rice on very rare occasions). The interesting

Yes, it is as high as even the firm known best for blowing smoke up GOP butts at this point in the cycle (to keep them happy and donating) was willing to take it.  Probably because that is about the highest Obama was historically because of polarization, but still a solid 10 points higher than anyone else.

On wallets, the best compromise is the leather wallet with hand tooled insignia (especially if it is something weird/personal rather than a company or school logo).  I have a bunch of plain wallets, but I have an irrational fondness for the one with Totoro on it - and it immediately lets people know I am both an adult

Adjuncts don’t make money - even big name adjuncts.  The donor class are who they are worried about, full stop.  GMU has been notorious for taking big money from right wingers like the Kochs across multiple departments for a long time, while claiming at an undergraduate level not to be slanted in one direction like a

Came to look for this - funny thing is, Scalia probably would be more disturbed that a lesser tier school got his name than the acronym. 

It isn’t a precise analogy, since the Saturday Night Massacre was in a single direct chain and each person in turn refused to fire the Special Prosecutor, but it is close. At least in part this is Miller purging as many of the people Kelly had protected (ie actual professionals albeit ones willing to do some nasty